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Armistice Commemoration « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Armistice Commemoration

November 12, 2018

WORLD leaders gathered in Paris to commemorate the World War I armistice, and enjoyed some traditional European music.

— Comments —

Kyle writes:

This is the globalists dancing on the graves of the Europeans who fought and killed each other in two ruthless world wars. That the childless homosexuals, Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, looked pleased with the charade is hardly surprising, especially considering that they’re two of the most loyal henchmen to Satan and his march through the world to sew confusion and destruction.

The moderns love to smear the achievements of better, more noble men and women of our past with such grotesque displays. Hasn’t this been obvious for awhile now? Remember the Obama presidential portraits? The tearing down of statues of fine, Christian men of good moral character is another log for the Western bonfire taking place. Just yesterday we got a peek at the “Reimagining” of Norman Rockwell’s America with smug and angry brown people, cat ladies and homosexuals filling in the traditional spots of Rockwell’s most famous portraits because his works weren’t “diverse” or “inclusive” enough. Isn’t it funny how those words never seem to apply to the truly diverse peoples of the old Europe? They couldn’t even find an artist talented enough to re-create them in the same art form–resorting to cheaply edited photography.

I don’t know what this African woman is shouting and I honestly don’t care. A truly shameful display if ever there was one. General Patton was right, we defeated the wrong enemy.

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