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Crisis Actress of the Year (Nominee) « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Crisis Actress of the Year (Nominee)

November 9, 2018


“ANONAMOUSE” writes:

Well, someone had his phone at the ready [in Thousand Hoax, California]. We’re supposed to believe the mass killer posted on Instagram whilst shooting his victims.

Also not to be missed — the grieving Christine Leinonen-esque mother.

This is becoming tedious, and I don’t really know what to think anymore.

Laura writes:

Please send her your prayers and thoughts.

— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

Oh-my-goodness. Talk about bad actors; but who wrote the bad script?

Laura writes:

Thought the same thing. Is there any possibility of good acting with this script?

Let’s face it, the producers and actors are not Hollywood material. Or even community theater material.

Mrs. Sherman writes:

That’s Christine whatshername from the Orlando thingie.

I laughed so hard at the comments I went back and gave all the smart people a thumbs up and all the dumb ones a thumbs down.

Laura writes:

You are dangerous.

Mr. Sherman writes:

I like the commenter who said, “Guns don’t kill people. Bad acting kills people!”

Laura writes:

That’s not fair to bad actors. They can’t help it.

Besides, banning them would be counter-productive.

Laura writes:

I like how her son’s named Tele-Mock-Us.


Here’s another fantastic performance:

Nov. 10, 2018

Mrs. Sherman writes:

Last night I watched the video “False Flag for Dummies,” about how to spot a hoax, and the European interviewed [Ole Dammegard] said there is always a bus or a truck to hide things and block off any view to what they are doing. He also told the reason the actors ran in circles, etc.

He had been to some of the so called crises in Europe and knows what is fake.

The participants have to check in their cellphones and aren’t allowed to take pictures.

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