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Meet Me in Barcelona « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Meet Me in Barcelona

November 15, 2018


OLE DAMMEGÅRD does an outstanding job explaining fake terror attacks, including fake mass shootings (such as the one in Thousand Oaks, California last week), fake bombings, fake car attacks, and fake stabbings. He looks at many incidents here, in Europe and Australia, and describes the working template for these events. Skip the very beginning and start at minute 7:50 in this video lecture. Persevere until the end and you will find out about some of the alleged corporate players in this global theater.

This is a difficult subject. It is not for the faint of heart but then neither are fake atrocities for the faint of heart. Would you rather be upset by this knowledge of clever deception or upset by scary events? Please remember that being emotionally manipulated by false reports is also very difficult. Ultimately, this is good news, liberating news. Arm yourself with knowledge so that you can spot the next hoax or false flag. 

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