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Men in Women’s Prisons « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Men in Women’s Prisons

November 16, 2018

JONATHON VAN MAREN writes of an unexpected consequence of the Sexual Revolution:

Just a couple of years ago, critics of trans ideology were pointing out that this sort of thing was inevitable: If society was forced to accept that people were whatever gender they claimed to be and biological reality was irrelevant to their assertions, then men would start to demand to go to female prisons (as just one example.) And this has become an increasingly common phenomenon.

One rapist who got himself sent to a women’s prison in the UK under the moniker “Karen White” promptly assaulted several female prisoners. The same thing happened at a West Yorkshire women’s prison, where a man with a fully functioning penis (but claiming to be a woman) got himself locked in with the ladies and sexually assaulted four women, with the first attack happening within days of his incarceration.

Feminism paved the way for “trans ideology.” It never has been about what’s best for women.

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