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Philanthropic Phonies « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Philanthropic Phonies

November 20, 2018

THE ANTI-NEW YORK TIMES reacts to the news that Michael Bloomberg has pledged $1.8 billion to Johns Hopkins University while California fire evacuees take refuge in a Walmart parking lot:

These two stories form a very telling juxtaposition (a $10 word for placing two things together for contrast) which exposes the soul-less, insensitive, elitist mindset of the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class). As hundreds of thousands of traumatized Americans continue to suffer from the devastating after-effects of various mega-disasters (both natural and technologically engineered) of recent years, the billionaire “philanthropist” class is, for the most part, nowhere to be found.

You see; immediate, direct and substantial aid for the forgotten shelter-dwelling refugees of Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Florence and the never-ending California “wildfires” would only earn the Mike Bloombergs (cough cough) of this world the ever-lasting gratitude of countless everyday Joes and Janes. Who the hell cares about them? But dump a few million — or in this case, $1.8 Billion — into already over-funded and wasteful institutions such as “modern art” museums, large hospitals, UN-affiliated health agencies, and elite universities — well now, that will win you the adoring accolades of “the great and the good” who think only of their status and their interests.

These ego-maniacal, sick and evil “elites” really are like a separate species unto themselves. The poor burned-out families in California , many of whom fled with just the clothes on their back, mean as little to “philanthropic” titans like Bloomberg, Warren Buffoon, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Davis Geffen, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros et al as the suffering of thousands of cockroaches being sprayed does to the Terminex man.

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