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The Mid-term Elections « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Mid-term Elections

November 7, 2018

SOME analysis from Michael Hoffman:

Here (below) we reprint two brief analyses of the election. The first, by Gerald Seib, demonstrates that the nation, despite the mass media being biased against the GOP with a malice seldom witnessed since the days of yellow journalism, did not abandon or repudiate Trump. The base stood by him despite a hellstorm of media calumny and the Deep State’s last inning “October surprise” in the form of the dreadful Pittsburg synagogue massacre, and fake “mail bombs” sent to Democrats.

The second takeaway is from the New York Times and shows the degree to which the Democrats are depending on the replacement of us with a population transfer from the Third World in order to gain power.

We conclude with a few ominous words from Patrick J. Buchanan illuminating an unstated fact — that in the final analysis it may be true that what killed our American dream was our collective refusal to have the three children per couple that is the bare minimum necessary to continue our existence as a people. The fault is ours. No politician, including Trump, has placed the blame where it truly belongs.[cont.]

Mr, Hoffman has made an especially good point in the last paragraph. If Americans had continued to have children and not embraced the mortal sin of contraception, we would not face this disaster because open borders would have been rejected in the early stages.

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