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The Umbrella « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Umbrella

November 26, 2018


The Umbrella, George Cruikshank

ON THIS rainy day, I would like to say something I have never said to readers before: Don’t ever, ever, ever, ever forget your umbrella, especially when it is raining heavily.

I say this with absolute certainty and profound awareness of the drawbacks of having no umbrella. I value umbrellas more than most people. I value them because I never, ever, ever, ever remember my umbrella, especially when it is raining heavily, or any other time.

That’s not entirely correct. On a few, very few, occasions I have remembered an umbrella. But it was nowhere to be found when I remembered it or it instantly broke the moment I opened it.

I have discovered, after years of careful, scientific observation, that some people are genetically predisposed to remember umbrellas and to possess unbroken ones. These people are greatly to be envied. I am not so genetically disposed. I could count on one hand the number of times I have ever been in the rain with a functioning umbrella. Some where in the distant past, an ancestor with very strong umbrella-forgetting genes fell in with someone with equally strong umbrella-forgetting genes … and the rest is history.

I hope you have not had the same cruel and embarrassing fate.

In which case, please do! Please do! Please remember your umbrella! Enjoy what others never do.

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