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When Your Son Goes into Politics … « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

When Your Son Goes into Politics …

November 7, 2018


GAVIN NEWSOM, the newly elected governor of California, helped his mother commit suicide in 2002. The story was initially reported by The New Yorker, which interviewed Newsom about it, and most recently by National Review. His mother was suffering from breast cancer and her son was apparently not enthusiastic about caring for her. According to The New Yorker:

Newsom’s sister, Hilary, said that when their mother had breast cancer, in her fifties, he was difficult to reach. “Gavin had trouble explaining to me how hard for him it was to be with her when she was dying, and I had trouble explaining to him how much I needed him,” she said. “Back then, he seemed like the kind of guy who would never change a diaper.”

In May, 2002, his mother decided to end her life through assisted suicide. Newsom recalled, “She left me a message, because I was too busy: ‘Hope you’re well. Next Wednesday will be the last day for me. Hope you can make it.’

I saved the cassette with the message on it, that’s how sick I am.” He crossed his arms and jammed his hands into his armpits. “I have P.T.S.D., and this is bringing it all back,” he said. “The night before we gave her the drugs, I cooked her dinner, hard-boiled eggs, and she told me, ‘Get out of politics.’ She was worried about the stress on me.”

Newsom, who claims to be Catholic (but not in “an indoctrinated way,”) supports abortion, same-sex “marriage” and physician-assisted suicide  murder. At the time of his mother’s death in San Francisco, assisted suicide was a felony. Newsom’s parents divorced when he was two. He also is divorced, and has “remarried.”

— Comments —

Dan R. writes:

As long as I’ve known the name I’ve always thought Gavin Newsom represented the worst of liberalism, and this post certainly reinforces it.  What’s new here, though, is the thought that Newsom’s wife at the time of his mother’s death was former FoxNews reporter Kimberly Guilfoyle, now dating the recently-separated Donald Trump, Jr.

Miss Guilfoyle, prior to her courtship with Don, Jr., was considered a candidate for President Trump’s spokesperson.  She has one child from her second husband–thankfully not from the abominable Newsom.  Throughout this time, Don, Jr., the father of five children with his estranged wife Vanessa, seems to have had little problem engaging in a very public courtship of Miss Guilfoyle.

Diehard Trump supporters–I am merely a supporter, not a diehard–are beginning to talk up Don, Jr. as a candidate for statewide office. All in all, this leaves a sour taste in my mouth, reminding me a bit of the mess surrounding Sarah Palin’s family in 2008.  President Trump seems to be at an age where the carousing of his earlier years is being pushed further back into history, and his total dedication to his work seems to have sublimated the worst of his earlier instincts.  A candidacy by Don, Jr. would very likely bring all of this back into the news, though to be fair, the left, even today, will not let go of the 2006 Access-Hollywood tapes.  Mania for any politician runs all sorts of risks.  I haven’t gotten into the enthusiasm of some Trump supporters for an Ivanka Trump candidacy somewhere down the road–the absurdity of which is personified by the fact the Ivanka and her husband Jared are liberals.  Leaving this just to Don, Jr., I only hope he at least follows the advice of his girlfriend’s former mother-in-law and decides to return to the family business rather than run for office.

Laura writes:

Newsom’s seems to be a mentally unbalanced narcissist. Politics are a drug to people like him.

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