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A Fundraising Appeal « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Fundraising Appeal

December 6, 2018


Laura Wood


Almost every week, I receive requests from advertisers to place paid posts on this website. I never accept these offers. The income would not be very large, but more importantly, I’d like to preserve this small, out-of-the way space as an ad-free zone. Advertising makes it hard to think. And that is the purpose of this blog, to inspire you to persevere in the hard work of reflection, especially about the ideas and news stories you come across elsewhere. If I have helped you question an idea you took for granted, and headed you in the right direction, that is success.

Talented writers make a living doing what they do at major publications. But there are things they don’t dare question. This blog has been in existence for almost ten years. That is a remarkable fact given that it receives no significant financial backing. I am entirely independent from all who are pushing an agenda, and so are the others who write posts for this site. Many writers on the Internet use pseudonyms, often very weird ones. I write under my own name, and I take full responsibility, as hard as that may be, for what I say. People have gone to jail for some of the truths and opinions expressed here. I hope you will consider that. It has kept me awake once or twice!

When you visit a museum, you may spend $25 to roam through its galleries for a couple of hours. Think of the time you have spent reading this blog. Is it worth the cost of a museum visit or a few museum visits?

In this Advent season, a time of alms-giving, please consider making a donation, small or large, to this website to keep it “on the air” and compensate me for the considerable sacrifices and costs. There is so much more I would like to post here.

To donate by Paypal, please use the link below. Or write to me at thinkinghousewife@msn.com for a mailing address. You can be assured that your information will be kept confidential.

Thank you, and may God reward you for your kindness and generosity!

Laura Wood



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