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Angels on High « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Angels on High

December 24, 2018


I WAS in a grocery store this morning and to my deep amazement there was choir music on the sound system.

Why are choirs so appropriate to Christmas that even a retail chain switches from sickening Christmas pop to sacred songs on Christmas Eve?

The choir gives us a sense, though a dim one, of the songs of angels, praising and glorifying God in heaven. Their songs are of indescribable joy.

Can real sorrow ever invade the ranks of the Holy Angels? Never. Not a single pang of disappointment, or regret, or anxiety, or sadness, or self-reproach can ever enter into their sinless souls. They were fixed in unalterable joy, when they were confirmed in grace and admitted to the Beatific Vision. Their perfect union with the Divine will prevents them from regretting anything that God permits. (Source)

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