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France Bans Postive Video « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

France Bans Postive Video

December 3, 2018


FROM The Wall Street Journal:

Abortion is legal in most of Europe, but its proponents are bent on suppressing efforts to change the minds of mothers considering it.

Witness France’s ban on a television commercial showing happy children with Down Syndrome (DS). Produced to commemorate World Down Syndrome Day, the commercial showed several cheerful children with DS addressing a mother considering abortion. “Dear future mom,” says one, “don’t be afraid.” “Your child will be able to do many things,” says another. “He’ll be able to hug you.” “He’ll be able to run toward you.” “He’ll be able to speak and tell you he loves you.”

Read more here.

So many women, with legal abortion used as eugenics, have lost the opportunity of a lifetime.

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