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From the Inside Out « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

From the Inside Out

December 22, 2018

TOM H. writes:

I have greatly profited from reading your posts on a semi-regular basis since 2013—a time when my faith was heavily challenged and I was uncertain about whether I would ever meet a woman to marry and start a family in the morass of a Western world that has lost its way.

Your posts provide small bursts of light and compassion, as well as a dose of moral fortitude, and are a reminder of just how important God and His eternal principles are in each and every day of our lives.

In the meantime I have been fortunate enough to meet a wonderful woman and start a family, something that I find cannot be expressed in any amount of money, devices, job titles, academic degrees, or any other conspicuous sign of achievement.

This is the real battle that we are all engaged in: the fight to transmit the life-sustaining faith and first principles in the face of crass materialism and petty superficiality, by building from the inside out. My wife and I still fail—still get pulled back into the world’s trappings on a regular basis—but we are trying to build the inner resistance. And reading your words helps to affirm us in our endeavors.

For that I am humbly grateful, and I would like to support you to ensure that the doubtless many other readers can continue to find value in what you do.

Laura writes:

I am very grateful to you for your support and generous appreciation. I wish you and your wife great success, especially in the work of the “inner resistance.”

Thank you.

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