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Nice, But …. No Cigar « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Nice, But …. No Cigar

December 17, 2018


[UPDATE: My modest fundraising goal has been met! And then some. Thank you very, very much. Additional donations are most welcome.]

MY MODEST FUNDRAISING goal is still not met. I need the equivalent of two Fat Cats*** to donate $25 (or more) to keep this website as is without reverting to a paid subscription system. (You can get a free subscription now through the link on the sidebar and links to new posts will be delivered to you by email.) If you would like to contribute, see the Paypal link below or write to me at thinkinghousewife@msn.com for a mailing address. Donors who would like to give less than $25 are most welcome too! Their contributions will be added to the pot so that we can get this thing done!

Thank you to all who have contributed. I greatly appreciate your support. Tony sent a generous donation and wrote:

Thank you for giving hope to those of us who fight to hold back despair as we make our way through this modern deranged and degenerate culture (if one can even call it a culture).

And thank you!

*** (The use of this term is not meant to demean real feline readers or those who eat too much pizza.)


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