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Rolling in Dough « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Rolling in Dough

December 12, 2018


A READER sends $50 and writes:

I have been reading your blog for years and so admire the thoughtful and fair-minded approach you take to the topics you write about. Thank you for creating such a beautiful place on the Internet.

PS: My daughter (29) also thinks your “awesome.”

Laura writes:

Thank you for your appreciation! 

You and your daughter are now officially Thinking Housewife Fat Cats. I am deeply grateful, and hope this generous donation will bring unforeseen — and unseen — benefits to you.

To others: Please donate today and become a Fat Cat for a mere $25! You won’t regret it. The views expressed here are absolutely, 100 percent guaranteed to make you different and stand out from the crowd!!

Thank you for your kindness and generosity.




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