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Shoes, Shoes, Shoes « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes

December 7, 2018


SHOES are everywhere — not just because of common rudeness.

This photo (above) of a Paris street near the Bataclan massacre is one of probably thousands of similar shoe pictures, allegedly photos of the shoes of the victims or those fleeing the event, that have appeared in the media after reported vehicle and gun massacres. Typically the shoes are Nikes. However, these shoes from the Las Vegas attack do not appear to be Nikes:

Here in the San Bernardino attack, one of the atttackers allegedly — and absurdly — fell out of his (or was it her?) shoes:

Oddly enough, human beings who are shot with modern weapons or struck by vehicles do not normally fly out of their shoes. People who are running away from danger do not typically sail out of their shoes though it does sometimes happen. (Check with police officers or rescue workers to verify this.) Why then are we so often shown pictures of empty shoes at the scenes of alleged terror attacks?

These shoes are part of a code. The planners of these events are communicating with each other. If you would like to understand exactly why these shoes are there, and why photos of abandoned shoes (and sometimes still occupied shoes such as here and here) appear prominently in the media after these events, I highly recommend this interview with Ole Dammegard. (I’m sorry about the macabre photos but the truth is, they are probably every single one fake.) I post this interview not to frighten you. It should have the exact opposite effect, and that is my intention. It should liberate you from emotional manipulation and fear. But if you are highly sensitive, please do not listen to it. I also understand that it is painful to learn that you have been deceived. It can be extremely painful. This is a point that Dammegard, much to his credit, makes very well. But in the long run, the alternative — ignorance — is more painful.

This post, by the way, is not a blanket endorsement of the work of Dammegard, and it is not a blanket endorsement of Crowdsourcethetruth, which interviews him. (In general, I advise extreme wariness with regard to all conspiracy websites, but in particular any websites that have a slick look or seem well-funded and claim to understand all conspiracies. So often they are controlled opposition.) It is an endorsement of the content of this important interview. And it is a very important interview. It will knock your socks off, if not your shoes.

Free yourself with information. Arm yourself with knowledge. Don’t give your soul to fear mongers. You can spot the next staged event.



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