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Support the Alternative Media « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Support the Alternative Media

December 10, 2018


‘THANK YOU’ very much to the readers who sent donations in response to my latest fundraising campaign. I am grateful for your generosity. However, it is not over yet! I am looking for 100 readers to donate $25 today. Please consider a contribution. Donate via Paypal below, or write to me at thinkinghousewife@msn.com and I will send you a mailing address. Your support is greatly appreciated.

If you read this blog regularly, or occasionally, and if it is worth the price of two movie tickets, a trip to a museum, the price of a decent paperback, or a week of take-out coffee, I hope you will donate.

A reader sent a donation this weekend and wrote:

I have read your blog for many years. I admire you for your truth and for your courage. I wish I had 10 percent of each.

Another reader wrote:

Your website means so much to me; it’s a haven of sanity, and wholesomeness,  in a world that is getting exponentially crazier and sicker by the day.

Thank you so much for all you do!

And thank you for your encouragement and generosity.



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