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The Creepy British Anti-Monarchy Show « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Creepy British Anti-Monarchy Show

December 13, 2018


Meghan Markle at the British Fashion Awards

SUSAN-ANNE WHITE writes from Northern Ireland:

I would like to ask your opinion on an event which took place this week in the UK. It was the British Fashion Awards.

I saw links to it on Youtube although personally I have no interest in modern fashions as most are immodest and vulgar and sometimes frightening.

At this year’s ceremony the Duchess of Sussex (Meghan Markle) was an unexpected guest and she presented an award to the woman who designed her wedding dress. The woman who announced the appearance of the Duchess is an actress called Rosamund Pike and in my opinion she looked androgynous. Some of those in the audience looked likewise strange and evil.

Meghan Markle is a feminist and, in my opinion, a dangerous woman. She was dressed immodestly and made a point of drawing attention to her pregnancy. Feminists love to wear tight, clingy clothes when pregnant to convey the message that pregnancy will not change their lives or inhibit their activities in any way shape or form. Some feminists wear such clingy T-shirts when pregnant that their umbilicus is clearly seen bulging through the fabric.

Gone are the days when expectant mothers dressed in lovely feminine smocks etc and took things easy so as not to harm their unborn babies.

The pregnancy of Meghan Markle is worth commenting on because something doesn’t seem right. Some commenters on Youtube have declared it a fake pregnancy. I do not know, but it does seem strange that in some photos over the weeks since her pregnancy was announced she either doesn’t look pregnant at all or she looks further along in her pregnancy than her due date dictates.

Laura writes:

Thanks for writing.

When women kept their swollen wombs private, it was a sign of respect for the sacredness of pregnancy and indicated that the mother was restrained in her activity so as not to harm the child.

But then everything that Meghan Markle wears and does — including the see-through dresses with long slits — is deliberate and premeditated by many powerful people. There’s almost nothing spontaneous there.

Meghan, because of her previous marriage, would not even be considered legitimately married all that long ago. She and Harry constantly subvert royal customs in how they dress and behave. The British Fashion Awards was basically like most top fashion events today, exalting the freakish and exhibiting extreme immodesty while also showcasing a high degree of design skill and talent.

Meghan went out of her way to draw attention to her belly, noticeably bigger, as you say, than in very recent appearances. The way she keeps her arms and hands in the exact same position even while laughing is very artificial. It would be natural to move the arms a bit while doubling over, but it’s as if they are plastered in place because she is deliberately trying to make her stomach look big. Could it be a fake pregnancy? Sure! I’m not saying it is, but it’s certainly possible. Bear in mind that Markle is 37 and has struggled with anorexia, which lower her chances of pregnancy.

Whatever the case, I predict a huge sideshow of some kind with regard to this pregnancy. I also predict that the baby will be especially dark-skinned.

Whatever happens with Meghan and Harry, they are part of a covert, highly-funded effort to destroy any conception of what royalty is in the minds of ordinary people — to destroy the love of it especially in the hearts of the British — so that the globalist super-state can proceed.

Markle is a sham royal. But then the British monarchy is a sham at this point, subverted by Freemasonry, an international, highly powerful secret society pushing globalism, the total disappearance of all traces of European monarchy, and especially, as I said, the loss of all conception of what royalty is in the minds of the people, who naturally have a strong attachment to kings and queens. Freemasonry seeks to undermine the concepts of nation, race, religion and family in order to form a one world religion and globalist super state.

It’s not possible to overestimate the damaging effects of a powerful secret society in the top ranks of the government. Secrecy obviously destroys trust and when the machinery of the major multinational media is in its power, it engages in mind control with sinister abandon. Since the death of Princess Diana, who was almost certainly assassinated, Masons have grown only bolder in the British throne.

Freemasonry should be outlawed in all countries of the world, as the Catholic popes recommended before Vatican II. For those who want to know more about it, I recommend The Secret Powers Behind the Revolution by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement by Edward Cahill and Pope Leo XIII’s 1884 encyclical Humanum Genus.

Masonry is Satanic. Notice Meghan’s black nail polish. Everything is premeditated here.

Satan hates kings and queens. He prefers democracy and celebrities.

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