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The Evil of Birth Control « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Evil of Birth Control

December 30, 2018


Nativity, Master Francke; 1424

FROM Natural Family Planning and the Christian Moral Code by Jeanne Dvorak (Fr. Wathen Books, 2017), pp. 18, 52:

I have a friend who had four girls and was in the sixth month of her fifth pregnancy when her husband was killed. The child was a boy, and when a visitor remarked to the mother how sad it was that the husband was not there, she replied, “He is right here in my son.” What would that mother have wrought by the foolishness of family planning? She would have rejected one of God’s greatest blessings in her life. What right has the finite mind of man to make decisions that affect human history and all eternity? Consider as well that there are many large families into which, for years, only boys were born. Finally, at the end, came a girl. Would these parents ever have known the joy of a baby girl at last, if family planning had been in progress and their string of children cut off, so to speak, “in the midst?” And the same can be said of those all-girl families, ending finally in a boy. All of us must remember that we made serious vows at Baptism. As a result and ever since, we have walked about daily under those solemn promises we made to always choose God’s Will and renounce the devil and all his works and pomps — of which birth control is one of the cleverest, and NFP [Natural Family Planning or the “Rhythm Method”] the cleverest of that!


What can possibly make up for a life that was meant to exist, but does not exist, because we interfered? When we stand before God at our death, what do we possibly say to Him concerning the souls He intended to give life to, but which were thwarted at our hand? How will our plan be justified in contradistinction to His? To concede to birth control in any form is to become part of the world, and Christ has forbidden this.

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