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The Gift of Brandon « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Gift of Brandon

December 17, 2018



SALLY writes:

I was deeply touched by the story concerning Meredith. Your succinct summing up of the value of a life struck a deep chord in me. I am referring to your statement that,” Now more than ever, there is nothing important Meredith can’t do.” How true!  That one truth reveals the importance of gratefully living the life that God has graciously granted us in spite of all the troubles we experience. The material things we lust after and the status we seek are ultimately unimportant.

My oldest child has a very rare genetic disorder. He is moderately physically and mentally disabled. Unfortunately, his condition is progressive albeit slowly and his prognosis is unclear. Before Brandon
came into my life, I am ashamed to say that I thought disabled people were lacking in some essential ingredient as if the value of a soul can be weigh and measured.

I now know better.

Brandon will never get married, live independently, drive a car, read a poem, do calculus and on and on. But…. he loves deeply, cherishes his family, enjoys relationships with friends, expresses concern when others are suffering, tells jokes in his own manner, and desires to know God and go to Heaven where he tells me that he plans to run and run for a long time without his walker.

He takes pleasure in the little things like a chocolate milkshake or hot sauce on his tortilla chips or getting dressed up to attend the Special Needs Dance in our community every year. He went with his class to the mall on Friday. They took a trip to see the decorations and do a little window shopping. He had a fantastic time. He didn’t need to buy a lot of useless junk . He simply enjoyed the experience and the company of his friends.

I think most people could learn a great deal from Brandon and Meredith if they could only see past the outer shell which conceals a precious treasure on the inside.

Thank you so much for your blog. I enjoy reading it very much.


Brandon with his sister

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