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An Introduction to Social Credit « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Introduction to Social Credit

January 15, 2019


SOCIAL CREDIT, a body of economic ideas introduced by Major Clifford Hugh Douglas, is a provocative challenge to today’s financial system. It is not a realistic alternative at this point, but it is well worth considering. From a website devoted to Douglas’s work:

Clifford Hugh Douglas was a household name throughout the English-speaking world during the so-called inter-war years of the twentieth century. His work, like that of so many of his contemporaries, has been ignored by mainstream studies of political economy.

Here you can read how he influenced his contemporaries and discover what happened in Alberta.

Shortly before his death in 1952 Clifford Hugh Douglas surveyed the landscape near Aberfeldy in Scotland, turned to a close colleague and said:

“You know, T.J., I think the time is approaching when we shall have to challenge this monstrous and fantastic overgrowth of industrial expansion – fundamentally. Really, you know, I personally can see nothing particularly sinful about a small dynamo; but this thing we’ve got is past a joke. If it isn’t a joke, it is Satanic.”

More interesting articles on Social Credit can be found here.

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