The New Indentured Servitude
January 30, 2019

MICHAEL S. writes:
I sometimes pass this ad on my way to work. I think of you, of course — although there is no similarity.
This is Sixth Avenue and 47th Street in Manhattan— the so-called “Diamond District” — you know, home, in a sense, of the engagement ring scam. Interesting that the word “marriage” does not come to mind when viewing this ad. Because as far as she is concerned, it is not even a question.
Laura writes:
From the kitchen into Hell’s Kitchen — the Hell’s Kitchen of perpetual indebtedness.
Feminism has made women easy prey to lending schemes.
See Zippy’s Usury FAQ to learn why the student loan (and all the related predatory financing as advertised in this billboard) is wrong — for the lender, not the borrower — and is similar to the indentured servitude of the past. In fact, it’s worse because of the interest rates. The birthrate among Millennials is lower than even expected and one of the reasons (though not the main reason) is the student loan. It’s institutionalized infertility.