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The “Pope” and the Imam « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The “Pope” and the Imam

February 7, 2019


Francis and Sheikh Ahmad al-Tayeb

ONCE AGAIN, “Pope” Francis, the fake pontiff in Rome, has been traveling far to promote his vision of the New World Order. This week he visited Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirate where Francis and Sheikh Ahmad al-Tayeb, the grand imam of an influential Egyptian mosque, Al Azhar, signed a “Document on Human Fraternity.” The document called on “all concerned to stop using religions to incite hatred, violence, extremism and blind fanaticism, and to refrain from using the name of God to justify acts of murder, exile, terrorism and oppression.”

It also stated that the multiplicity of religions was willed by God. Please see the commentary at Novus Ordo Watch (here and here) as to why this is so illogical, outrageous and blasphemous, making God the author of confusion.

The purpose of this post, however, is to point out that the signed document is a direct contradiction, not of the thinking (if we dare to call it that) of the man we call the Argentine Bomber — they are fully consistent with Francis’s One World Religion globalism — but with the thinking of al-Tayeb, who has repeatedly indicated that there can only be one true faith and that serious apostates who threaten a Muslim society should be put to death. Here in this 2016 interview he explains his views on the subject of religious liberty.



Please note that al-Tayeb talks about harsh punishment for apostates, i.e., those who have left the faith, not for “infidels,” i.e., those who have never held the faith. This is very different from the goofy relativism of the Argentine Bomber, eh?

The imam’s punishment for apostasy is certainly to be rejected. But he is right in his understanding that defection from God’s plan for society is a serious matter. Those who threaten the social reign of the true religion (which cannot be Islam) should not be killed, but, to borrow a misused Bergoglio-ism, marginalized. He is right that the moral and religious relativism of the West, which the fake pope does indeed support, is deeply dangerous to social order. The sheik is to be commended for his understanding, which we can assume he has not given up despite this new grandstanding document on “brotherhood,” that religion is not simply a personal matter. God has rights too. His social rights are much more substantial than the occasional lip service American presidents, going as far back as George Washington, have paid to their Masonic ruler.

The brotherhood espoused by the fake pope and the imam will surely never be practiced in any devout Muslim society such as the imam envisions. It is already fully in place in the world Francis represents, and thus he is once again just a mascot for surrender. This anti-papal globetrotter has no shame at all. He constantly supports one of the most repulsive buzzwords in the English language — “fraternity,” the hypocritical Masonic code word for the revolutionary overthrow of social order. And that’s because he doesn’t believe in the faith he professes to represent, indeed he is essentially an atheist, and thus cannot possibly be a true pope. Frank is a fake — the worst and most dangerous fake in our world of fakery. “Fraternity” is just a weapon for turning militance into mush.

[The Sheikh, by the way, is also to be commended for his denunciation during Francis’s visit of the Western news media’s characterization of Islam after 9/11 as a “bloodthirsty religion” and of Muslims as “savage barbarians.” He was right in this case because the massive evidence does not support Muslim involvement in the attack on the World Trade Center. And the “pope’s” condemnation of world violence included only mild condemnation of the terrible war in Yemen waged by his hosts, and did not mention specifics as to who are the most threatening perpetrators of religious violence today. Who are those who believe that they have the religious right to destroy anyone who opposes them?]

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