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The State of the Messed-Up Union « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The State of the Messed-Up Union

February 9, 2019


CARYL writes:

Your recent post on Lawrence Auster and Fatherhood was great. I am sure that he knew —and that you know of Daniel Amneus and his books – Back to Patriarchy, The Garbage Generation, which is found at this site.

Amneus’s books are about the importance of fatherhood.  In Back to Patriarchy,   he described the American male  as “surely the most exploited, even if not the most degraded and impoverished human who ever lived.”

When I saw all those female Demonrats clad in white at the State of the Union speech I could not help but recall this. These fiends are determined to destroy… everything that challenges their herd mentality. It is frightening. It makes me regret the law that gave women the right to vote, the entrance of women into politics. Queens, at least, were bound by traditions. But these women have no boundaries at all. Our era has not been kind to women in politics. Angela Merkel? Theresa May? Shudders!

Chris Richard writes:

These spectacle-driven Congresswomen in white, dancing around showing the world how hip they are, sums up exactly what is wrong with women in our society. They no longer know how to submit–albeit out of love–to the authority of men for the good of our civilization. Instead, they spend their days stirring up protests, demanding more and more “rights,” and searching for fulfillment in men’s jobs (where they are miserable, know they are, but do not know why).

I suppose that some women have a vocation to work in some occupations, but I believe that many, if not most, are miserable in their 9 to 5 jobs. They are told that this is the way to ”assert” their “powerful” “femininity.” Their femininity, in fact, is often stifled in the workplace, or manifests in distorted ways. For instance, their female form is flaunted through the revealing clothing that their bosses will require, or allow them, to wear. Moreover, if they happen to have children, their jobs occupy that precious time that should be spent with their children. Maternal leave, etc. does not solve the problem. Mothers are called to pour our their hearts and souls to their children–they must invest the great majority of their time and energy into rearing them–and even a job with all the benefits that would meet all those standards that female constituents demand divides a woman’s energies in ways that are damaging to both them and their children.


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