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When Love Is Trivialized « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

When Love Is Trivialized

February 12, 2019

MARIAN T. Horvat, Ph.D. argues that expressions of love have been trivialized:

The list of what the modern man purports to love is endless: “I love that restaurant, I love to barbecue, I love my dog, my cat, my hamster, my Subaru…”

The word loses its meaning and becomes as banal as the objects one claims to love. “To love” is trivialized, flattened and loses its original noble meaning.

— Comments —

S.K. writes:

In English, there do not seem to be many words to express this, at least not many that are in use. In Greek, Latin and also in Spanish, there are many words to express people, places and things that you’re fond of, “love” is hardly ever used.


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