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Modern Art as Penance « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Modern Art as Penance

March 20, 2019


HOW CAN ANYONE believe what goes on in Catholic churches today is Catholic? This Ash Wednesday service in Cologne, Germany is an extreme example, but the ugliness and irreverence are not rare. The entire spirit of the Vatican II revolution is one of openness to everything modern no matter where it may lead. The idea is that if Catholics become cool, tolerant, people-centered and, all in all, very non-Catholic, they will convert other people. The opposite has happened. They have repelled.

This jarring, screeching performance is hideous — I feel sorry for her neighbors if she practiced at home — and yet no one walks out. The church is filled with zombies — or leftovers from the Sixties who possibly find it hip and would walk out if confronted with silence or sacred music. Notice there are few young people in attendance. They realize that anything as irreverent and secular as the One World Religion of Vatican II can’t possibly be important. Watching this video clip, says Novus Ordo Watch, is for the rest of us an act of Lenten penance.

A commenter at NOW writes:

The Enemy has succeeded in taking the spine out of men, perverting them to the point that some men actually think this garbage is art.

We are becoming a demonic society. What was good is now evil, and what was evil is now good. What was sin is now virtue, and what was virtue is now sin. What was heterodox is now orthodox, and what was orthodox is now heterodox. What was ugly is now beautiful, and what was beautiful is now ugly. What should be condemned is now applauded, and what should be applauded is now condemned. May God help us all.


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