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Bollyn on 9/11 « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Bollyn on 9/11

April 8, 2019


INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER  Christopher Bollyn in this interview succinctly addresses 9/11, exposing the official conspiracy theory as a fraud. As he points out, 9/11 isn’t just a thing of the past. It’s an ongoing crime.

Only staged distractions can slow the exponential growth in the number of people who know the facts of 9/11. Those who still at this late date believe in the official story will be ashamed to admit this to their children and grandchildren in the years ahead given the widespread information readily available in this digital age. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth has for many years covered the basics of controlled demolition of the three buildings that collapsed on 9/11. It reports the latest news on lawsuits here. See this interesting report on how one mainstream publication slipped and carried an article that did not present 9/11 skeptics as lunatics. The article was hastily deleted.

At his Facebook page, Bollyn describes Twin Towers leaseholder Larry Silverstein’s admission of guilt:

One bullet point would have to be the fact that Larry Silverstein, the owner or leaseholder of the three towers that were demolished on 9/11, freely admitted in a television interview about 9/11 that he made the decision to “pull” his 47-story WTC 7 building – and then he watched the building come down at about 5:20 pm.

See: Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was pulled down on 9/11

A few years later, in a speech given in Israel for the Israeli Building Center Ltd., Silverstein clearly says that he met with the architects and began plans to build a new WTC 7 in April 2000 – seventeen months before 9/11!

Complete speech

The fact that Silverstein made this admission of prior knowledge of the 9/11 crime before an Israeli audience is very telling. Would he have said the same thing before an American audience, for example in New York City? Why is he so confident that the Israeli audience will not react to his admission of guilt?

Furthermore, why is Silverstein so confident that there will be no reaction by law enforcement, the insurance companies, or the media to his comments which clearly reveal complicity in insurance fraud and prior knowledge of the terror atrocity of 9/11?

Silverstein’s bravado comes from his knowledge that he is protected by a force that controls the U.S. government and media and that he will not be investigated or prosecuted for his criminal involvement in the 9/11 crime. The force behind Silverstein is the power behind 9/11 – and the seventeen year long cover-up of the crime.

— End of Initial Entry —

Laura writes:

The article I mentioned about how one mainstream news outlet slipped and failed to present 9/11 skeptics as lunatics is worth quoting at length:

If you had to pick one example to best encapsulate the mainstream media bias and censorship that have contributed significantly to suppressing the truth about 9/11 for nearly two decades, it would have to be the extraordinary actions of Courthouse News Service earlier this week.

The first extraordinary action came on March 26, 2019, when Courthouse News published the article “FBI Accused of Omitting Evidence From 9/11 Report,” which — to the astonishment of many — offered fair coverage of the lawsuit filed one day earlier by the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and 9/11 family member Bob McIlvaine.

In this rare deviation from the media’s dogmatic denigration of any person who questions the government account of 9/11 (and who refuses to believe that miracles took place that day), Courthouse News reporter Jennifer Hijazi committed the cardinal sin of failing to refer to the plaintiffs as “truthers” or “conspiracy theorists.” She also neglected to question their mental state or to dismiss out-of-hand the validity of their case against the FBI. Practicing objective journalism, she accurately quoted from the complaint and from her interview with attorney Mick Harrison.

The second extraordinary action came the following day, at around 6:00 PM Eastern, when Courthouse News apparently pulled the article from its website. This happened to coincide with the time that Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth sent a bulletin to its email list, sharing the refreshingly unbiased coverage with thousands of supporters — except that thousands of supporters were directed to a dead link.

As of now, approximately 24 hours after the article was first removed, Courthouse News has not provided an explanation for why its article is no longer available on its website. It could just be an innocent technical issue that will hopefully be fixed soon. On the other hand, it is more likely that the article was un-published for editorial reasons. [cont.]

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