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Leggings: The Slave Girl Outfit « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Leggings: The Slave Girl Outfit

April 1, 2019


A lot of women (a staggering number to me) have blasted this mother and given her “parenting advice” about spending her time raising respectful men.  The mother is right on this one.

From the article in The Observer, the student-run newspaper at the University of Notre Dame:

The emergence of leggings as pants some years ago baffled me. They’re such an unforgiving garment. Last fall, they obtruded painfully on my landscape. I was at Mass at the Basilica with my family. In front of us was a group of young women, all wearing very snug-fitting leggings and all wearing short-waisted tops (so that the lower body was uncovered except for the leggings). Some of them truly looked as though the leggings had been painted on them.

A world in which women continue to be depicted as “babes” by movies, video games, music videos, etc. makes it hard on Catholic mothers to teach their sons that women are someone’s daughters and sisters. That women should be viewed first as people — and all people should be considered with respect.

I talk to my sons about Princess Leia and how Jabba the Hutt tried to steal her personhood by putting her into a slave girl outfit in which her body became the focus. (That’s the only scene in the whole franchise in which Leia appears in such a way — and it’s forced upon her.)

Laura writes:

There’s no use arguing with the world about leggings. Let them have their leggings. Feminism is a massive, hypnotic hoax that undermines women’s true power. These skin-tight pant-things make women look like slabs of meat. They are the perfect uniform for “New World Order” drudges. This isn’t liberation, it’s control. But mass hypnosis makes it hard to break through with logic. Immodesty and mental blindness go together.

This mother has some common sense and should get her family out of Counterfeit Catholicism. Leggings at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Notre Dame University are a monstrous sacrilege, but no one there will ban them. There’s no use arguing with the world about leggings. The upside-down logic of modernism turns slavery into freedom and herd behavior into self-expression. The university has been anti-Catholic for some time now and the hierarchy has been subverted. Leggings are just one sign of the false religion at Notre Dame.

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