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The Hero Priest at Notre Dame « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Hero Priest at Notre Dame

April 18, 2019


ONE of the typical signs of a false flag is a dramatic rescue, an exciting leitmotif that gets ’em coming back for more.

At Christchurch, we had the man hailed as a hero for chasing the shooter from mosque. At the Pulse nightclub shootings in Florida, we had the hero cop. At the Nice truck attack, we had the hero motorcyclist.

The presence of a hero, whose story is instantly broadcast around the world, is certainly not conclusive proof that state-sponsored terrorism is at work. After all, real heroism exists. But when a hero who has been at other false flag events, whose story reads as if scripted by a Hollywood producer, is involved then we have at the very least an important suggestion that the official story of a public disaster is not true.

Such is the case with the story of Fr. Jean-Marc Fournier who reportedly rescued the Crown of Thorns and a Nail from the Holy Cross from the burning Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris this week.  This New York Times account is one of many that reads like a movie trailer. The audience will believe anything.

Fr. Fournier, we are told, was also allegedly involved in the Bataclan shooting in Paris, rushing inside and imparting a general absolution on those who had been shot.

When he saw the flames getting closer to the cathedral’s two towers, Father Fournier’s thoughts turned to another fire chaplain: the Rev. Mychal F. Judge, who died at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

Father Fournier’s job has made him a witness to some of his own city’s most traumatic events in recent years.

A chaplain with the Paris Fire Brigade since 2011, Father Fournier, 53, saw the bodies of the journalists and cartoonists killed at the Charlie Hebdo newsroom in January 2015. He was also at the scene shortly after an attacker stormed a kosher supermarket two days later. And he was among the hundreds of firefighters who evacuated survivors at the Bataclan concert hall during the Paris attacks in November 2015, where 90 people died in a terrorist attack.

Not just one, not two, but three probable staged events, for which this ever-present priest just happened to be on hand. And now a fourth.

Fr. Fournier is reportedly a former member of the Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP), a traditionalist order in communion with Rome. Why did he leave? What is his full background? We do not know.

Could the story of his dramatic rescue be true? Yes.

But a rescue of the Crown of Thorns during Holy Week from a building more iconic of Christian civilization than almost any other, a building intensely despised by the Church’s enemies? It all reads as if it came from a committee of mass manipulators thrilled with their own talents.

Let’s reserve judgment about this suspicious fire, which some are predictably blaming on Muslims. Let’s reserve judgment until we know more. The suspension of belief is an assertion of independence and sanity.

— Comments —

A reader writes:

Nice catch! A few observations below:

“A spokesman for the Cathedral reported that a fire alarm went off almost immediately and they instantly recognised it because they had practised a fire drill just days before.” [Source]

Of course, it makes perfect sense to have a fire drill in an ancient building undergoing renovation.

“In 2010 we replaced all the electrical wiring, so there’s no way this was sparked by a short-circuit. We put new wiring in place according to modern standards. And we went even further; we installed state-of-the-art fire protection and detection systems in the cathedral.” Former French Inspector-General for Historic Monuments Benjamin Mouton, who oversaw the installation of state-of-the-art fire prevention systems in the Notre Dame Cathedral in 2010, and who was responsible for the building from 2000 to 2013 [Source]

For what it’s worth, I can’t vouch for the website above or the translation of the video.

Cui bono?

“To restore the whole cathedral would have cost 150 million euros, according to the top world expert on Notre-Dame, who happens to be an American, Andrew Tallon. Recently, the custodians of the cathedral and the French state were actually at war. The French state was making at least 4 million euros a year, charging tourists to enter the Twin (Bell) Towers but putting back only 2 million euros for the maintenance of Notre-Dame. The rector of Notre-Dame refused to charge for a ticket to enter the cathedral – as it happens, for example, at the Duomo in Milan. Notre-Dame basically survives on donations – which pay the salaries of only 70 employees who need not only to supervise the masses of tourists but also to organize eight masses a day. The French state’s proposal to minimize the ordeal; organize a beneficent lottery. That is; privatize what is a state commitment and obligation.

“‘France owns Notre Dame, just like it owns all religious buildings erected before 1905,’ he said. ” [Source]

More here:

‘The French State is self-insured for Notre Dame. It has no insurance. It is supposed to cover its own costs,’ spokesman Paul Gadel said.

He noted the French State ‘is charged with maintenance and renovation of those buildings, which it lends to the Church for free.’ While France might be technically on the hook, it’s hardly the case that the country will have to drum up funds alone. French banks and billionaires have pledged massive sums for the rebuilding effort. And online, hundreds of GoFundMe campaigns have also sprouted to raise money, a GoFundMe spokesman said. As of Tuesday afternoon, some $790 million had been pledged, the Wall Street Journal reported. The repair costs have been estimated to be somewhere in the range of $8 billion, according to Reuters.”

It’s quite possible funds from donations could cover the cost of a complete restoration, as well as plenty of opportunities for graft, a la the Haiti earthquake. That is not to mention abundant propaganda opportunities, as Macron has pledged to rebuild the cathedral for a modern France, perhaps along these lines suggested by Rolling Stone Magazine: “Any rebuilding should be a reflection not of an old France, or the France that never was — a non-secular, white European France — but a reflection of the France of today, a France that is currently in the making.”

The Notre Dame disaster also had the immediate effect of kicking the Gilets Jaunes off the news cycle for a bit and allowing Macron to present as a unifier. See here.

 So, to recap eleven signs of a false flag:

1. High Profile Event. Most definitely. Check.

2. Changing Stories. Notre Dame doesn’t make the grade on this point. The noises have been remarkably consistent, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! We knew this immediately, even though there had been no investigation.

3. Simultaneous Drills. One hallmark of the false flag operation is the running of drills shortly before or during the actual attack. Check.

4. Cui Bono? Possibly some advantages for the state. Semi check.

5. Unanswered Questions. Yes, in abundance. Check.

6. Case is quickly closed. Yes, it was an accident. Check.

7. Suspects’ Connection to CIA, FBI, or Other Intelligence Agencies. DNA, the suspect was an accident.

8. Convenient Scapegoat. Yes, the accident, officially. From unofficial internet commenters, the Muslims. Check.

9. Media Promotes A Narrative Against Scapegoat Groups and/or An Agenda To Take Liberties.

No. 10. Government Begins to “Take Action” Against the Scapegoat or Moves Along the Lines of the Media Narrative.

No. 11. Clues in pop media. Only if you consider I Pet Goat 2 pop media.

As you say, it is too soon to have any definite opinion and we will probably never know.

Laura writes:


I am confident we will know someday.

April 20, 2019

John writes:

There’s an important bit of symbolism that many commenters I think have missed. It’s that a few days before the statutes of the apostles and evangelists were taken out of Notre Dame in such a way that they seemed to “fly out”.

The only person that I’ve seem mention this is the Youtuber Jeff C. 

In my view the obvious symbolism here would be that the saints of the church have abandoned it.

Also, I’d like to respond to your comment that you are confident that we will know what happened one day. I wish I could share your confidence here. But so many of these staged events seem to not be exposed even when they are blatantly obvious such as Sandy Hook or 9/11 (and the “moon landing”). It has almost been two decades in the case of 9/11 and more than a generation in the case of the moon landing. And of course there are so many more with the number and extent of such mass deceptions difficult to determine.

I have thought about this and I think the reason for this is that, at least for many of these staged events (I don’t know if the Notre Dame fire is one of them), we are dealing with a spiritual evil that is ultimately demonic and Luciferian in nature, not just a conspiracy of men. The devil is a deceiver and liar known as the “prince of the powers of the air” (i.e. media among other things) and “god of this world”. For instance 2 Corinthians 4:4 states “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” Hence, if the deception is spiritual in nature, it is not surprising that the world is blind to it and it can only be seen through the eyes of faith in Jesus Christ.

As a result, I think when you say that we will know what happened, that may be true, but it may only be a personal knowledge gained through eyes of faith, prayer, and honest introspection. The knowledge would be epistemological similar to knowledge that we obtain through faith and prayer and as a result not recognized by the false “wisdom” of the world. In these matters I don’t think we may expect to ever be able to demonstrate anything “logically” or empirically that it may convince others that do not believe in the realm of the demonic let alone the Truth of Christ.

Laura writes:

Thank you for your interesting comments.

I believe we will know someday what has happened at Notre Dame based on evidence and the testimony of witnesses or those involved.

Yes, it may take a while, but look at how much progress has been made with 9/11 — with investigative research that is poorly-funded and disparaged. Arson on this level (if that’s what it is at Notre Dame) will leave clues.

You mention the long time that has elapsed with 9/11 and the moon landing. (Other examples would be the murders of JFK and his brother.) But, you know, when we’re dealing with the very powerful mechanisms of the visual media, it takes a long time for the truth to get through because people have experienced events through television. They seem real and it is hard to come to terms with manipulation. What you are saying about pervasive spiritual blindness, however, is another good explanation. It seems this blindness is God’s chastisement of a society which has so fallen away.

Since these are natural phenomena, supernatural faith is not necessary to know what is true or false. But it seems that a grasp of the ultimate and the grace of God are necessary to have the sanity to consider these possibilities at this point and put them in context without being afflicted by fear, paranoia, obsession, anger, or despair.  Many people prefer not to believe in the existence of organized evil. They represent the flip side of all those people who disdain organized religion. As if we aren’t social creatures, eh? Freemasonry has involved highly organized secret societies for centuries. Why should it be surprising that secrecy should reach this advanced stage?

We should be careful when referring to the perpetrators as demonic. That suggests demonic possession, which is unlikely. We should especially keep in mind that the people doing this believe they are doing right. You can’t understand these events unless you see that. Whether the objective is gun control or a one world government in which the obliteration of nations will make nuclear conflict unlikely or a reign of enlightened Jews that will uplift humanity or the preservation of Israel or the end of religious “superstitions” that have prevented Masonic harmony (or all of these things), they are seeking “order out of chaos.” The ends justify the means. And many of those involved surely have mercenary motives and are simply doing their jobs in intelligence services. As for crisis actors …. well, some actors will do anything to get on stage. And they surely are paid well and believe they are working for good too.

April 23, 2019

John responds:

I agree with your comments, especially that most of those involved (especially at the lower levels) think they are doing right and are motivated by something like “the ends justify the means.” What I mean by it being demonic and Luciferian is not that the people involved are under direct demonic control, but that they are playing a small part in what is a demonic agenda.

And while I do agree that not understanding that the people involved think they are doing right could be an obstacle to understanding these events, I think that the long term cohesiveness of the agenda, the perseverance over generations, the multi-pronged and complex nature of it (beyond the ability of any human to manage the totality of all the agendas being advanced, i.e. entertainment programming throughout the world,  manipulation of global politics, war, financial control (global markets, central banking scams), control of the internet, almost complete control of mass media, control of education, control and manipulation of food, water (fluoridation), vaccines/control of medical and pharmaceutical industries, chemtrails, feminism, pushing homosexuality/transgenderism, deconstruction of family, child sacrifice/abortion, pedophilia and child abuse, infiltration of Christianity, and so many more areas), that the pervasiveness and large-scale uniformity (uniformly anti-Christian; they want as many people to reject salvation as possible) of the agenda can only be explained in my opinion by an “antichrist spirit” pervading society and infiltrating all areas of leadership and bureaucracy.

Moreover, I think that at the lower levels the motivation might be ideological or just selfish pursuit of temporary monetary gain or increase in status, etc., at the highest levels, I think there is an acknowledgement that they are serving Lucifer. In fact, I have heard it said that the “enlightenment” that comes at the highest levels of freemasonry or other secret societies is the realization that the “light-bringer” that they call “god” is in fact Lucifer. This is, I guess, a blend of the old Gnostic idea that the God of the Bible is a “Demiurge”, and so they see Lucifer as the light bringer that supposedly frees humanity of bondage (when in fact it’s the opposite) and allows them to be “gods” (again a deception).

This is represented by the all seeing eye, which represents the eye of Horus or Lucifer. Moreover, so many celebrities, musicians, sports stars, and politicians are repeatedly seen showing one-eye symbolism by covering one eye for a photo shoot, making a 666 hand sign (looks like an “ok”), devil horns sign, pyramid sign with hands (Merkel and Trump), or combining more than one together as in making “ok” sign over one eye. You’ve probably seen evidence of this. It’s been documented at many places, notably vigilantcitizen and by many YouTubers such as A Call for an Uprising and Jeremiah Cohen. Moreover, almost every major music video is full of occult symbolism and television shows and movies all push the same wicked agendas. And then on top of that add the occult symbolism including the eye at the top of the pyramid symbol such as on the dollar, at the IRS building, on top of the supreme court of Israel, in Astana Kazakhstan, the two columns Joachim and Boaz sybolism,  the oculus at the One World trade center and the inverted black cube memorial (including the symbolism of the separation (the divided world) symbolized by the two towers falling to make way for a new order out of the chaos symbolized by the One World tower) obelisks (which are everywhere!) and Egyptian symbology (such as the Washington monument (which is 6660 in tall) and the layout of DC itself), Babylonian symbols (such as the EU Parliament in Strasbourg which looks like Bruegel’s rendition of the Tower of Babel or the MI6 building in London which looks like a Ziggurat), and many many more. And I just mentioned a few aspects of the occult symbolism. It becomes clear that there is some cohesiveness of occult/Luciferian religious beliefs among the power structure/New World Order conspirators.

And yes, while these manipulative events are natural phenomena, (in their belief) they are also rituals which are intended intend to have a magical effect.  This is why things like what Ole Dammegard does are possible.  They purposefully leave clues since they think that they want us to participate and be co-conspirators in the evil and the rituals (at least unconsciously) with them. And some of this predictive programming may not even be intentional which would suggest a preternatural aspect from 2012 that the earlier commenter mentioned. The similarity of the steeple fall image to the actual event is remarkable. Here is a detailed analysis of the symbols in the I Pet Goat video (Start at the 7:17 mark for the analysis. Some of the views are a bit wacky but I think it’s right in saying the figure in the boat watching the fall of the spire is meant to represent the Antichrist.))  In some ways the majority of people become co-conspirators in some sense by putting their heads in the sand and effectively helping them to cover these things up.

So again, I don’t mean that they are possessed, although this may be the case in some instances, especially if there is a connection with ritual pedophilia and abuse.  What I meant by the events being demonic/Luciferian is that the totality of the agenda, the conspiracy seen from the big picture, is a demonic/Luciferian one and the “Architect” of the conspiracy (which gives it its supernatural level of evil and cohesiveness), the Illuminating Eye that they seem to worship, is most likely Lucifer.

To see this from another angle, think about the way large intelligence operations (and also to a lesser extent bureaucracies) work. There is compartmentalization. Each person or group only knows what is needed for their task and don’t see the big picture. Of course there are more people at the lower levels with less knowledge of the overall plan and there are fewer as the levels go up. The compartmentalization structure resembles a pyramid. But then the question is who is at the top. I think they make this abundantly clear in their symbols. The Eye is at the top, i.e. Lucifer. To me it doesn’t make sense to say there is a small group directing all of this, since the complexity and scope is enormous. Moreover, there seems to be consistency over multiple lifetimes. However, at even a few steps down this is not clear due to compartmentalization and it appears to be all the work of worldly power structures

The nature of the evil always seems to be elusive. It never seems to be something that you can put your finger on or same this person or this group is completely responsible, because no one-person or group of people is that evil (although in some cases they may even consciously try to be), but there are beings that are.

The essential point I am trying to make is that the compartmentalization present in secret societies, intelligence organizations, and bureaucratic society itself mirrors the structure of a pyramid and the fact that those involved only see the structure below them makes it possible that there is no one at the very top leading the whole thing. This mirrors the symbolism of the all-seeing eye at the top of the pyramid, where the eye at the top represents Lucifer. So if we are to take their symbols seriously, the conspiracy/control system is ultimately led by demonic forces.

Laura writes:

Well said.

The reader above writes:

The backstory of the recovery of the copper rooster, a symbol of Christian France which perched atop the cathedral and contained relics of St. Denis, St. Genevieve and a thorn from the Crown of Thorns, is found here.

In this video, Michael Matt of The Remnant explores the symbolism of the recovery of the rooster from the fire and the discovery of an old holy card depicting Notre Dame in flames. In this sense, a spiritual battle is surely being waged. We humans continue to stubbornly look for meaning in our world and its events. That’s our nature and we shouldn’t be faulted for it.

A joyous Easter to all!

Kidist Paulos Asrat writes:

Here are photos I took of Notre Dame probably in the late 1980s. I took them from the famous “bateau-mouche” boat tours along the Seine river, from where you get the best views of the cathedral.
You said, “Buildings go up in flames,” and I thought those same thoughts after my initial shock at seeing the beautiful and beloved building go up in flames.
Notre Dame has a history of burning and being rebuilt. But a church with no worshipers is worse than no church at all.



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