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Honoring “Indigenous Peoples” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Honoring “Indigenous Peoples”

May 3, 2019

MAINEĀ has becomes the seventh state to replace Columbus Day with “Indigenous People’s Day.” The Anti-New York TimesĀ reports on this romanticizing of the past before the Big, Bad White Man showed up:

Even the most libtarded academic eggheads do not deny the brutality and human sacrificing that was going on throughout pre-Columbian times. They just downplay or ignore it. But it was this brutality which enabled the Spaniards, with such ridiculously small numbers, to overthrow these vicious tyrants. That’s because so many oppressed natives were eager to join the ranks of the Spaniards and throw off the murderous yoke of their Aztec, Mayan and Incan tormentors. The fact is, were it not for the arrival of Whitey and the Christian doctrine, these demonic mass-torture-murders would likely still being going on today. And that is why we, Whites and descendants of natives alike, should continue to honor the voyage of Columbus and those who came after him.


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