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Trump Talk « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump Talk

May 28, 2019

As with the rest of Trump’s “conservative” rhetoric, his “pro-life” rhetoric is just that: rhetoric. When the rubber meets the road, Trump is ALL TALK. Oh, he cut $50 million from Planned Parenthood (PP). Big deal! That’s only 10% of the federal budget for America’s largest abortion provider. Under Trump, PP is still receiving $450 million of annual taxpayer funding. Trump and the GOP controlled Washington, D.C., for 2 whole years and did absolutely NOTHING to end legal abortions in this country. Coincidentally, G.W. Bush and the GOP completely controlled D.C. for 4.6 years, and they did absolutely NOTHING to end legal abortion, either. My, what a coincidence!

But the State of Alabama passing pro-life legislation that criminalizes abortions in that State (including aborting babies conceived via rape and incest) is a direct challenge to the ignoble Roe v Wade decision legalizing abortion-on-demand and handed this “pro-life” President a golden opportunity to actually do something besides TALK. Now this “pro-life” President had an opportunity to truly support a law that directly challenges Roe—the murderous law Trump has repeatedly said he wants to overturn. So, Trump came out strongly in support of the Alabama law, right? WRONG! As noted, this “strongly pro-life” (Trump’s words) President came out in OPPOSITION to Alabama’s pro-life law, saying it went “too far.

Chuck Baldwin

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