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Free Market Fallacies « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Free Market Fallacies

June 2, 2019

FROM “Free Market Follies” by Oliver Heydorn:

Lately I have been reflecting on the views of the conventional economic ‘right-wing’, as represented by ‘neo-liberals’, adherents of the Austrian school of economics, ‘capitalists’, economic libertarians, and so forth. It seems that whenever someone suggests that radical changes need to be made to the reigning financial or economic model – a suggestion which, in essence, must be a plea for some kind of intervention on the part of the public authority – those who are more or less satisfied with the existing system and find themselves on the ‘right’ of the economic spectrum regard the suggestion quite reflexively as an intolerable attack on the free market and an affirmation of ‘socialism.’ I have found this attitude, and the rhetoric which often accompanies it, curious for four major reasons, reasons which I will want to outline in this article. The fourth critique that I will present is the most significant from a Social Credit point of view, but the first three are by no means unimportant. By unnecessarily muddying the economic debate, free market rhetoric often obstructs the rectification of the economy’s structural problems.

Before proceeding, I also want to make it clear that the various considerations that follow are not an attack on the free market as such, nor are they an attack on people who honestly support private property, private initiative, and the market mechanism as generally better than government management of the economy (as I am one of them), but rather they are, more than anything else, a condemnation of the dishonesty and hypocrisy of those who uncritically and selfishly defend as ‘free’, the exact kind of market that really isn’t.

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