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The Higher Ed Trap « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Higher Ed Trap

June 27, 2019

FROM The Anti-New York Times:

Of all the many sleazy scams and high crimes that the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) commits against “We the People,” perhaps none is worse than the criminal racket known as “higher education.” It amounts to a multi-trillion dollar conspiracy in which the government, academia and corporate America all collude to rob parents of a huge chunk of their life savings and/or put our young people into student-debt bondage before they can even find a decent job after graduation — assuming they will ever find one at all. The roles that the aforementioned PRC institutions play in this ongoing tragedy are as follows:

* Corporate America openly discriminates against job applicants who do not possess a magic piece of paper (purchased at a cost of $100,000 – $200,000 and up). There is something fundamentally flawed and unjust with a system in which the likes of non-college graduates Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and so many others, would not have been able to even interview for entry-level jobs at most American companies. Students who wish to pursue knowledge in a given field thus have no choice but to attend college.

* The Federal Government defines “accreditation” and determines what constitutes an “education.” Because apprenticeship, small group training, self-education etc. do not meet the standards of “accreditation,” the student is again compelled to attend college if he expects to ever work in his field of interest. The Feds also run the student loan-sharking operation — from which bankruptcy protection laws are immune. “Can’t find a job after college, kid? Too frickin’ bad! Pay your loan!”

* Academia’s role in the three-ring circus of scammery is its endless price-gauging of class after class after class of incoming victims who are essentially forced customers (unless they opt out and learn a trade instead). Though most of academia is Marxist in theory , when it comes to feathering their own nests with six-figure salaries and generous benefits, these commie pinkos are all about the money … money … money!  [Cont.]

On the last point, most of academia, including the adjuncts who are never hired full-time, is not well-paid, but the star professors are.

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