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A Poetry Lesson « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Poetry Lesson

August 13, 2019

JOHN PURDY writes:

I don’t know where you got the idea Belloc’s quatrain was a limerick but it’s not. Here’s a limerick for you.

There once was an actor named Bates
Who was shot several times but escap’t
When asked did you act?
He replied “I redact
Everything that does not turn your pate.”

I’m not much of a “limericist” either, but that is at least a real limerick.

Laura writes:

I’m so embarrassed. Thank you for the correction! You’re right. Here is a definition of a limerick: “a humorous, frequently bawdy, verse of three long and two short lines rhyming aabba, popularized by Edward Lear.”

I like your version. I like it, I like it …. I have to get cooking on this.

When shooting a crisis actor
Make silly lies always a factor
Hit him eight times or nine
The next day he’ll be fine.
GoFundMe will be his benefactor.

Hmm… The creative urge is unstoppable:

There once was a talent-less limericist
To writing limericks still she did insist
She looked at the news,
Said, “I’m so confused.
Tall tales will be my poetic grist.”


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