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An Impromptu Speech « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Impromptu Speech

August 8, 2019


HAVING allegedly lost not one, but two relatives in the Dayton, Ohio shooting event last weekend, Dayton’s Damon Davenport was able to deliver a moving political speech the same day without confusion, tears or the speechless shock that normally follows the murder of relatives. You can see his speech in this report by CNN. Many videos about the shooting have been removed from Youtube, but this one is safe and sound.

By his own account, Davenport was at “a loss for words.”

At minute 2:27, an unnamed young black woman who witnessed the shooting (does the white woman next to her look like the type of person who would be clubbing with her?) was less impassioned. She seemed bored, as if reading a script, and was almost smiling.

Did you know that 59 people were shot in Chicago last weekend, but only seven people died? That death rate makes sense. Shooters are rarely able to hit their targets perfectly. And surgeons often can remove bullets in those who have been shot and bring victims back to life. But when people get shot in events that, like the Dayton shooting, are widely publicized and involve a political agenda (Chicago victims don’t count), the number of survivors are always extremely low and the marksmanship of the perpetrators, most of whom look like they have spent years playing video games not practicing at shooting ranges, cannot be surpassed by even the most highly trained combat snipers. In the Dayton shooting, Connor Stephen Betts, the 24-year-old alleged perpetrator who had no military background, was reportedly able to shoot fatally ten people (including his sister, Megan) and injure 14 more in 30 seconds. (See Wikipedia timeline.) In 30 seconds. He was instantly shot dead by police.

By the way, Newsweek has addressed claims that Connor Betts looked suspiciously like another Connor Betts of roughly the same age who also had a sister named Megan. The other Connor Betts died four years ago. The idea that they were the same person is “irrational,” the magazine says.

The Megan in the news, we are told, was a “closeted trans man.”

— Comments —

Sophia writes:

I agree that the shoe image is ludicrous. As for the black potential actors in the video, are blacks not known to be less tearful, less emotional (except when they are yelling in your face, not the kind of emotions I’m referring to here)? In fact I thought I read that on your blog a few years ago. I didn’t think the black woman looked like she was almost smiling at all, though her last words seemed scripted or at least she was just really awkward, “outside of the club…that we was at.”

What about the claim that he had a leftist Twitter account? We can see screenshots of it on Google Images, but Twitter has removed his account. This CNN article is more convincing. The alleged former classmates don’t seem like actors.

In my opinion, Connor S. Betts looks extremely consistent in the photos of him online. And the one photo of Connor D. Betts that we can see does not look like that same man. There are indeed tons of people who share names; I can look up any former classmate and come up with tons of Facebook accounts for example. So I don’t find anything about that convincing, even the sisters named Megan.

I haven’t looked at the other story at all.

Laura writes:

There’s a lot of room for subjective differences in judging photos and interviews. I find Davenport’s interview to reek of scripting. It does not seem spontaneous. But I certainly wouldn’t judge this whole story to be false simply on the basis of that!

What I do find entirely implausible is that Betts killed nine people and injured 14 in 30 seconds. You know, when you start shooting in a crowded room, people start running and you’re dealing with a lot of moving targets.

According to Dayton Police Chief Richard Biehl, 20 seconds after the shooting began,[5] law enforcement officers already on the scene engaged the gunman.[12] Within 30 seconds after the first shots were fired,[5] the gunman was shot dead.[13] Local police evacuated many nearby night venues, and warned Dayton residents to stay away from the Oregon Historic District.[13] [Wikipedia]

So wait a second. Twenty seconds after the shooting began, police were there and “engaged” the gunman. Oh, okay, I get it. So while he was shooting dozens of people (14 or so were injured) and expertly killing nine of them, Betts was also having a gun fight with the police. All within a 20-second time frame. And the police shoot him dead — instantly! — even though they are trained to disable someone with gunshot without killing him and even though people with serious gunshot wounds often survive.

I invite you to use a timer and try to re-enact this scenario yourself. But in any event, could anyone please produce photos of the mortally wounded? I don’t like to see blood and gore but in the interest of justice, I think we should see these things. There should be tons of photos and videos available because that scene was packed with cameras. I bet everyone there had a cellphone. That would have been one horribly grisly scene. Pools of blood everywhere. Everyone who died had to be either directly shot in the head or the chest. They would need bio-cleanup teams to deal with all the blood. Should be lots of images available, but they are not. Instead, we get pictures of shoes.

And the shoe thing? Again, why are those shoes there? The whole event took place in 30 seconds! People do not fly out of their shoes when they run. And in this case there apparently wasn’t much running anyway because a major massacre transpired in 30 seconds. Good grief, they do seem to be making fun of us.

Laura adds:

I believe there were no deaths in Dayton.

This article provides a good synopsis of the phenomenon and explains why real deaths are unlikely.

Aug. 12, 2019

Steve writes:

Indeed, Laura.

For anyone to accept these stupendous, satanic lies is to be complicit in them, and hence, part of, not in any way an antidote to, The Lie™

Utterly sickening how even so many in the “alternative press” are this gullible (or perhaps CON-TROLL-ed)

As Solzhenitsyn so presciently warned us, Live Not By Lies.

Laura writes:

That’s why they leave such obvious clues — like photos of abandoned shoes or absurd 30-second massacres. They want people to be complicit.

Lydia Sherman writes:

Find out what anti-American type policy Congress was passing during the distraction of the shooting, and discover how every shooting has been used to chip away at our freedom.


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