Feminism is Anti-Woman
August 28, 2019

NUMEROUS studies have shown that the risk of breast cancer is increased with the use of oral contraceptives and induced abortion. Here’s one by the federal National Cancer Institute.
In analyses of all 897 breast cancer cases (subtypes combined), the multivariate-adjusted odds ratios for examined risk factors were consistent with the effects observed in prior studies of younger women (Table 1). Specifically, older age, family history of breast cancer, earlier menarche age, induced abortion, and OC [oral contraceptive] use were associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Risk was decreased in relation to greater number of births and younger age at first birth. OC use ≥1 year was associated with a modest increased risk of breast cancer, and among OC users only, earlier age at first use further elevated the risk.
Nature turns against anti-nature. But you won’t hear this from the feminist establishment. Slavery used to be physical. Now it’s all mental. This is one example of the legion lies of those who claim to work for the interests of women while working against them.
Abortion and contraceptives are fake health created by fake feminists. Feminism is the greatest form of oppression women have ever faced in all of human history. It shackles the body and the soul.
— Comments —
Joshua writes:
And the anti-Woman is a devout dyke. “Feminism” is dyke “nature” weaponized politically. “Feminism” is the advocacy of female self-annihilation. Abortion is an act of female self-annihilation. Literally, a would be “mother” kills a “part” of her self. Dyke “nature” just is female self-annihilation.