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Shot Five Times — and Smiling « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Shot Five Times — and Smiling

August 12, 2019


THISĀ hilarious interview recalls a limerick by Hilaire Belloc:

I shoot the Hippopotamus
With bullets made of platinum,
Because if I use leaden ones
His hide is sure to flatten ’em.

But Mr. Bates doesn’t have the hide of a hippo. Ouch!! The bullets fly through and then they fly out.

I shoot the crisis actor
With bullets made of cheese,
Because if I use leaden ones
His story might not please.

Nah, how about this:

I shoot the crisis actor
With bullets made of pickles,
Because if I use leaden ones
He might not get the tickles.

Gee, writing limericks is harder than it looks! Okay, so I’m no Belloc. But you get the idea. Wait! I’ve got it now:

I shoot the crisis actor
With bullets that are fabricated,
Because if I use leaden ones
The video will be eradicated.

And they might start censoring this video too:


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