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Our Summer Shootings « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Our Summer Shootings

August 5, 2019


MIKE ADAMS has five questions that he says prove that the El Paso Walmart shooting was a staged event. (That doesn’t necessarily mean no one was killed.)

Youtube has taken down videos questioning this event and the Dayton shooting, ridiculously defining them as “hate speech.” (I guess, Sherlock Holmes was a hater too.) The era of readily available amateur reporting is suspended for now. But censorship is in itself evidence of staging. Censorship also will not contain the growth in understanding of state-sponsored terrorism and its deliberate psychological effects.

Note to readers: I’m sorry I have not been able to respond to emails over the past week. I hope to return to regular blogging this week.

— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

This young Mexican-American says there was a training drill at the same (El Paso) location earlier.

A comment there from New Zealand:

“I absolutely agree. In the new Zealand shooting they were doing active shooter training also. Trying to scare everyone. After the new Zealand shooting strict gun laws were immediately passed”

Another comment:

“Ever notice CNN is the first on the scene of these mass shootings? I[ve] seen an ad paying people for mock crisis.. they have actors being paid then they bring the news stations like a real event is taking place. Some might be real, people that are not mentally all there can be manipulated to carry out these events. These shootings do not occur naturally. They seen the outrage from Columbine and they kept doing them and now they are being carried out all the time. This is about a GUN BAN. Plain and simple. Parkland parents just so happened to be in El Paso? Yeah ok.. this stinks to high heaven. You never see any funerals after either.. I for one is so sick of the fakery.”

This guy is new too but had a good, to-the-point message calling it fakery:

A comment on the above video:

“Notice how everyone in the Walmart is calm and staying next to their carts. Who stays with their Walmart cart when there is an active shooter so fake?”

This live feed is supposed to start soon ( unless it’s banned first).

Laura writes:

Mike King writes:

How is it, that with every square inch of Walmart being covered by high-definition cameras, all we get to see is a part of a grainy cell phone video of the alleged event? And while, “Patrick Crusius” — the 21-year-old “racist” shooter was going from wide aisle to wide aisle in search of Mexicans to kill, why did people remain in the other aisles for 20 minutes? How is that everyone didn’t just simply stampede the hell out there after the sound of the initial shots and screaming?  “I can’t leave now. I have to buy paper plates and toilet paper first. He’s still about five aisles away so I’ll be OK.”

Where are all the bodies? Where are all the badly wounded? Where are the pools of blood from the drained bodies of the 20 or so dead and 40 or so wounded? Where are all the gurneys? And the ambulances? And (my personal favorite) why is there a pile of shoes stacked outside of the Ohio club where the other fake shooting is said to have occurred?!!

He continues:

These fake shootings aren’t just about providing the pretext for “gun control” anymore. Though that still remains a very big part of the Globalist agenda, of course — what (((they))) are really fixin’ to do is to black out, once and for all, the mass enlightenment that is being brought about by too much Internet freedom – or rather, what remains of it. You see, as the Fake News argument goes, it is “online hate” which fueled the El Paso “massacre,” and “something must be done about it.” Recall that in the wake of the hoax shooting in New Zealand this past March, You Tube rolled out its logarithmic channel-killing program — a scheme so effective that the fast-growing channel of “The Invisible Critic” (who is that guy?) suddenly hit a wall and stopped gaining new viewers and subscribers.

YouTube is now under control — as is Google, FakeBook and Twitter. PayPal and Amazon are also censoring / de-platforming. All that remains are the conspiracy blogs and forums. If (((they))) can succeed in stamping those out, we truthers will all be thrust back into the dark age days of pamphleteering. Good luck with that.

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