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White Nationalist Killers « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

White Nationalist Killers

August 7, 2019


It’s the lie that will not die.

‘Whites are doing mass shootings and must be stopped.’

Last time I looked it was blacks such as DeWayne Craddock who cut down 12 mostly white co-workers in Virginia Beach this summer.

He didn’t fit the script—he wasn’t white, no manifestos, no social media—so the jew-owned media ditched him.

There’s Anthony Watkins and Terrance Wesley who mowed down 5 black men in St Louis this July.

Never reached the jew-owned media desks.

‘Black Lives’ don’t matter to jews unless the shooter can be spun as a “white extremist.”

Then there’s Gary Martin who zapped 5 co-workers and wounded 5 cops in Illinois last February.

The story vanished.

‘Cop Lives’ don’t matter to jewish spin-masters either whenever ‘white supremacists’ aren’t in the mix.

It’s not about guns, it’s a moral issue, but jews have mutilated morality by unseating Christian culture.

With traditional mores phased out it’s about displacing the white race.

And jews are shepherding the outplacement.

Take Google, (where compelling evidence points to Israel ownership), and do a search.

Type in:

“White American Doctors,” and voila! they don’t look too white to me.

Then the New York Times chimes in with, “We Have A White Nationalist Terrorist Problem,” followed by another OpEd:

“Right-wing extremist violence is our biggest threat, the numbers don’t lie.”

But jews do lie.

Seventy five percent of mass shootings are done by blacks and if this doesn’t tell the story then we’ve got a cast of jewish journalists who will relentlessly dis-esteem white achievement.

No sooner than we were told that a “white nationalist” with a “manifesto” in El Paso did the shooting—(Dayton’s already been ‘memory-holed’ since the shooter was a registered Democrat who supported Elizabeth Warren)—then Schumer sticks his shnoz into the gun control cause.

A commenter at Brother Nathanael’s site writes:

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.

Has anyone stopped to ask if these “shootings” are possible false flags? As someone who has worked in the healthcare industry and has witnessed what happens when ONE person is injured, there sure are a total lack of emergency workers at these scenes.

Multiple victims means at the very least a triage, perhaps even helicopters to get the real serious into surgery but always lots of ambulances with fresh blood, etc. plus the police cordoning off the roads to the hospitals.

Furthermore, people can still be resuscitated even after they appear to be dead and some don’t die until days later.

Notice also, the typical mourners with candles, the same old crying without tears, the buried heads and arms, i.e., “hugs,” all point to a theatrical side show.


It’s a slam dunk via the MSM as the ANTICHRIST SHOUTS, LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! and the dumb goyim like Pavlov’s dog salivate their piety.

The BS is piling up so high you need wings to stay above it.


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