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True Female Empowerment « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

True Female Empowerment

August 10, 2019


Embroidery, Mikhail Vasil’evich Nesterov; 1909

IF WOMEN behave with dignity in their lives, in all their lives, their thoughts, their intentions, their desires, their wills, their manners, their clothing, their relations, if women shine forth with purity, humility, modesty, then the society that surrounds them will be honourable, noble, orderly, leaving things in their place and respecting the mysteries of life. This society will be good, beautiful, strong, sane and peaceful.

The point of departure: dignified women. The fruit: a well-balanced and happy society.

A dignified woman commands respect. She commands, she reigns like a queen over those who live around her. She has the aspirations of a queen. But the only reign that suits her is that of true love which directs the hearts to the spiritual eternal destiny which is theirs. Woman shares with Christ the royal honour to lead men to the Father.

To fulfill this role, women must not attract the others’ attention on themselves by their pride, their coquetry, their carnal tyranny. By their discretion, their modesty and purity, they must be the beauty which directs towards God and the rampart which holds back passions.

Women will be generous and noble queens. Or else they will be robbing and degrading mistresses, despots who crush souls and bodies until they become the slaves of their own victims who will want them to pay a high price for, having led them in the downfall, like Eve had led Adam. And the degrading women will soon be despised, chained, held prisoner by brutes whom they will have formed. It is in this way that our civilization, formerly Christian, can go down into paganism and savagery.

—– Gilberte Côté-Mercier

— Comments —

Eric R. writes:

When I first read  the  first paragraph of this brief article, I thought, “Well, couldn’t you replace the word women with men?” But then I thought about, let’s say, rowdy, crude, drunken behavior of men. Then I thought about the same bad behavior in women. There is something in the presence of noble women that shames bad behaving men, that does not work if reversed.

Since women are so degraded now, I don’t feel (I could be wrong, but this is just an instinct) that any thing I could do would change them.

The bad, ugly behavior of the modern woman does not seem to be changed by anything men do. In other words, women acting badly are not affected by noble men (not that that’s me!) But I think men acting badly ARE shamed by noble women, shamed into acting better, because that’s in our nature.

We WANT to stand up when a noble, modest woman enters the room. We don’t know what to do when a modern woman enters the room. We don’t know what she wants.

Helen writes:

Eric wrote: “We don’t know what to do when a modern woman enters the room. We don’t know what she wants.” I understand Eric’s discomfort around women. Fifty years ago to become a modern woman meant throwing over the ancien regime: I thought that meant family, sex role stereotypes, as we called them, and liberation from the constraints of Catholic parish life. I didn’t know I was in a battle with nature itself. I had a debut of sorts as a feminist and modernist. We were swept up in the new paradigm, albeit small town Canadian style. Forget truth; there was only my truth. The admixture of hormones and the new zeitgeist meant we spurned marriage for living together, children for abortion and family for career. Trust me, it has been a brutal and grim life; what wreckage has been left in the wake. Like Walt Heyer, a man who had ‘gender reassignment surgery’ in the 1980’s and now writes and speaks about sex change regret, I relate. I have modern woman regret. Today, I recognize I was a casualty of Social Engineering, Phase 1, perhaps. At the time, I didn’t understand that I was a tool of the oligarchs, a proxy warrior used and spit out to advance the aims and objectives of the revolution, as E. Michael Jones would put it.

Femininity is innate and true and the balance to masculinity. Nature is good. Modern women are lost and until they are found, I concur with the prediction of the essayist, Gilberte Cote Mercier, that “our civilization, formerly Christian, can [will] go down into paganism and savagery”.




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