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Conning Conservatives « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Conning Conservatives

September 2, 2019


TRUMP’S job is to play the role of the bumbling villain, to give Democrats and leftists something to rage about, to make the Federal Reserve and the banking elites look like the “good guys”, and to lure conservatives into denying reality on the economic crisis until it is too late.

Brandon Smith

Thanks to Steve and Fitzpatrick Informer for the links.

[This video makes some good points, but the idea that the Catholic Church and the Jesuits are Masonic is absurd and false since no institution has issued more warnings against Freemasonry than the Catholic Church. More papal encyclicals have been written about Freemasonry than any other single issue, all of them strongly condemning it and warning Catholics that Masons face an eternity of suffering. Catholics are automatically excommunicated from the Church upon becoming Masons. There is Masonic infiltration in the Church, especially in the last 100 years, and that’s not surprising as the Church is Enemy No. 1 for the brotherhood. Also, I disagree that this was a deliberate revelation by Trump. He seems to have revealed that he is a Mason — as if we didn’t know with his constant, obvious Masonic hand signals — in a spontaneous way.]

— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

This Masonic site claims Trump is not a freemason.

The hand signals such as the pyramid shape, were common  in the business world not long ago. In the 1980’s when several business-success books were published and classes were taught about sales, the hand gesture called “steepling” was explained. Apparently, they said, a  lot of people used it without knowing they were doing it, and it was generally considered something done by business people who were just thinking and planning a lot.

The steeple hand gesture is number 7 of a list of hand gestures here where the author further explains:

“This is one of the favorites of Kevin O’Leary, one of the two original investors onthe Shark Tankreality TV show. A steeple is when you lightly tap the tips of your fingers together. It is seen as a wise gesture, but don’t overuse it. These days, everyone is trying it out.

I have found that when I use this gesture, it centers and calms me. I have not found any research to back this up, but when I do this it’s almost as if I feel more centered and have an easier time taking deep breaths. It is similar to the prayer gesture. Anyone else experience this?”

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