Drag Syndrome
September 6, 2019

THE MODERN WORLD hates innocence. It especially hates the innocence and serious limitations of Down Syndrome children, most of whom are now eliminated in the womb because they are seen as having no purpose in a hyper-careerist society. I mean, what’s the point in them living when they can’t go to college?
When that innocence, however, can be used to make Down Syndrome individuals figures of fun and perversion — well, then, the world applauds and suddenly sees purpose in their otherwise useless lives.
Exploiting the natural love of Down Syndrome adults for music and dance, an arts organization funded by the British government is marketing a theater troupe of adults who perform in drag. The troupe has performed in Europe and Canada, and supposedly a Republican congressman from Michigan is the first to object. He refused to allow them to perform in a venue he owns. The Communist, Jewish ACLU has filed a complaint against him, stating he has violated the actors civil rights. Seriously, how sick can it get?
From The New York Times:
Over the past year, a small troupe of drag performers with Down syndrome has taken the stage in London, Stockholm, Oslo and Montreal, adopting flashy alter egos and basking in the crowd’s applause. They call themselves Drag Syndrome.
The London-based troupe’s next stop was their United States debut: an art exhibition in Grand Rapids, Mich. But after the event was publicized this summer, there was a backlash from community members who were worried that the performers were being exploited.
That faction included Peter Meijer, a supermarket scion and Republican congressional candidate who owns the venue where the group was to appear. Last month, Mr. Meijer declined to host the performers, questioning whether they could give their “full and informed consent.”
On Thursday, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a complaint with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights against Mr. Meijer, claiming that he was discriminating against the performers because of their disability. The complaint also claimed discrimination on the basis of sex, considering they would be performing in drag.
Mr. Meijer’s objection is that the Down adults don’t really know what they are doing. The “artists” in charge have replied that they fully understand. Why not have them then perform old Broadway songs or folk songs or any number of innocent popular songs? No, their innocence must be marketed and destroyed in a drag show, what has become an anti-sacred ritual of perversion.
The real issue — a losing proposition for the congressman — is not whether these actors understand what they are doing, but that no one should be performing in drag shows, except ostracized perverts in back alley clubs with blackened windows.
Why is the British government supporting this shocking degeneracy? Because it has an unspoken mandate to wipe Christianity and its love for humankind off the face of the earth. Why is the ACLU supporting it? Because it has a mandate, under the guise of protecting individual rights, to wipe Christianity and its love for humankind off the face of the earth.