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Fake Drowning? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Fake Drowning?

September 23, 2019


ALL news stories, especially those broadcast instantly around the globe, should be approached with critical thinking skills. Think before you swallow.

This story about an American man, Stephen Weber, drowning while proposing to his girlfriend at a luxury resort in Zanzibar suggests scripting and orchestration. The story supposedly originated from a Facebook post by his girlfriend Kenesha Antoine, the allegedly bereaved bride-to-be. Agence France Presse reports:

An American man has drowned while proposing to his girlfriend underwater at an idyllic island off the coast of Tanzania, a luxury resort said in a statement Sunday.

His girlfriend Kenesha Antoine posted on her Facebook page footage of Steven Weber proposing to her through the window of their underwater hotel room at the luxury Manta Resort in Zanzibar.

“You never emerged from those depths so you never got to hear my answer, ‘Yes! Yes! A million times, yes, I will marry you!!’,” she wrote Friday in a post confirming his death.

It’s odd that this accidental death so quickly became international news and that so much is known about the deceased so soon after his death.  So much is known, that is, except any details about why or how he died.

“It is unclear what went wrong during the proposal at Pemba Island, a popular honeymoon destination,” Agence France Presse reports. We are given no details about how and where Weber was found, what kind of condition he was in, whether he was treated, why a resort that charges $1,700 a night apparently had no one supervising underwater guests despite the enormous liability costs if something went wrong.

CNN, from which every single news item must be viewed with skepticism, reports on comments from the alleged deceased’s alleged sister:

“We know he drowned but we don’t know the circumstances surrounding that,” she said. “He dove down to propose but never came up.”

She said her brother was “a selfless and very giving person.”

“He had an infectious smile and the most beautiful eyes and he loved everybody around him and to say that everybody loved him is an understatement,” she said.

“….We don’t know the circumstances surrounding that.” I see, even though the entire world knows about this event, this close relative was not able to get information from the girlfriend who is just a phone call or e-mall message away about who pulled her brother from the water, if he received medical treatment (those close to drowned can be revived) and whether anyone saw him in distress. This kind of thing is typical of staged events. A relative has little or no interest as to exactly how a relative died, doesn’t seem all that upset and launches into a Masonic speech about what a great, loving person he was.

Within hours of losing her fornicating boyfriend, Antoine is able to write a long post about what a great person he was. Not only is the post too long, too wordy, too corny for someone who should be in shock, it fails to mention anything about how he died.

I have only one thing to say about this click bait, “Yeah, right.”

The photos of Weber proposing underwater look like they came out of an advertising agency.  Is it surprising, given how voracious and pervasive advertising is, that it would merge with the news, creating attention to other real ads? The global advertising business is constantly pushing interracial couples to fulfill the political agenda of merging nations for the benefit of the cryptocracy and global capitalism so that’s another tip-ff that this came from that business — and it certainly doesn’t hurt for an expensive resort to get international attention. We also know that the producers of fake news have an obvious command to promote immorality; this fornicating couple in their underwater room fits right in to the agenda.

I offer this all for one reason: to urge you to stay away from the top news vendors. They seek to distract and sentimentalize you to death.

The merger of news, advertising and political control all depend on your gullibility and desire for easy distractions.


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