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PewDiePie and the ADL « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

PewDiePie and the ADL

September 14, 2019


FELIX Kjellberg, the Swedish Youtube sensation who goes by the name PewDiePie (I’ve never heard of him before today), is the subject of a major news story.

Under pressure from his fans, PewDiePie, who reportedly has the largest Youtube audience in the world, rescinded a $50,000 donation to the Anti-Defamation League, which many of his followers claim is the country’s leading instigator of thought control and censorship. This is a big story because no one in popular culture publicly stands up to the ADL. But Kjellberg not only canceled the gift, he also apologized to his followers for even considering it. According to E. Michael Jones, this decision represents a “revolution in consciousness.” That may be an overstatement but it is true more and more people know that the ADL is a vicious organization that spies on Americans and ruins people’s lives when they express opinions the ADL doesn’t like. The ADL is a defamation league (not an anti-defamation league) deceptively operating under the mask of respectability, militantly supportive of Jewish nationalism while condemning nationalism for Americans, connected with organized crime, supported by political leaders of both parties and reminiscent of the Bolshevik Cheka, the secret police that terrorized Russians. The ADL terrorizes not just its opponents, but ordinary Jews too with scenarios of “hate” that cause paranoia and hysteria. The ADL is a major force behind censorship on the Internet, which is, again, why so many of PewDiePie’s fans were angered by his planned donation. The Internet has been purged in the last year of, among other things the ADL considers unacceptable, thousands of videos that explain and provide evidence for recent false flag mass shootings.

How was the ADL started? An adjunct of the international Jewish fraternal order and secret society (non-Jews excluded), B’nai B’rith, the ADL was started for the express purpose of defending murderer Leo Frank, who in 1913 [was accused of having] molested and brutally killed a 13-year-old girl, Mary Phagan, who worked in his factory. Frank [actually it was Frank’s defense team] then blamed it on a poor black janitor and cried “anti-semitism.” Ever since that time, the ADL has been doing the same, protecting Jewish criminals and smearing innocent Americans. Good for PewDiePie. Unfortunately, he too can certainly expect retaliation. It may happen now or it may happen later. But Jewish supremacists never forget. And they never forgive.


Mary Phagan

— Comments —

Susan Anne White writes:

I have read some articles about the case of Leo Frank and there are some people of the opinion that Leo Frank was innocent and that Jim Conley the black janitor was the killer. Others have postulated the theory that Frank and Conley both participated in the heinous murder of Mary Phagan.

I discovered that a grand-niece of Mary Phagan wrote a book about the case and her book has been described as fair and balanced (I don’t know what her conclusions about the case were) but you seem to be absolutely sure that Leo Frank was the guilty party and that Jim Conley was a “poor black janitor” whom Frank blamed for the murder.

Jim Conley was, it appears, a career criminal and this description flies in the face of your sympathetic “poor black janitor” description. You also failed to mention that Leo Frank was lynched after his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. If Leo Frank murdered Mary Phagan, he deserved to die at the hands of the state but not at the hands of a lynch mob. The words of Governor John Slaton who commuted Leo Frank’s death sentence to life imprisonment should give all pause for thought. He stated “There is a territory “beyond a REASONABLE DOUBT and absolute certainty” for which the law provides in allowing life imprisonment instead of execution. This case has been marked by doubt…..”

Laura writes:

Thanks for your comments.

Newspaper articles that I read from the time of the trial convinced me of Frank’s guilt. Unfortunately, I can no longer find the links to those articles online. I should have included them, and apologize for that. Frank was convicted by a jury in a trial and his court appeals were not successful in overturning the verdict.

I have modified my comments above (see brackets.)

I recommend this article by Kevin MacDonald on the Frank case which gives a more nuanced view. Note, in particular, his assertion that there was not widespread anti-Jewish sentiment in Atlanta, where the murder took place. The ADL maintains that there was. There is no evidence that the prosecutor in the Frank trial was anti-Jewish, As MacDonald notes, he had a Jewish law partner, a Jewish roommate in college, and supported from Jewish political candidates. “His concluding summation at the trial included philo-Semitic statements.”

The trial, conviction and cultural atmosphere of the Frank case definitely do not conform to the accounts propagated by the ADL.

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