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Greta Thunberg and Feminism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Greta Thunberg and Feminism

October 25, 2019

E. MICHAEL JONES in this interview with Henrik Palmgren psychoanalyzes Greta Thunberg, the climate activist who became a star after going through a period of serious psychological turmoil. He speculates that her unhappiness and political activism were caused by her famous mother’s absence from the home.

“Greta’s sitting at home watching her Mommy get famous,” says Jones. “….What we see, I think, is the downside of Swedish feminism which is the children who are at home without Mommy.”

At the age of 11, when she is undergoing sex ed and sexual assault at school, Greta stops eating, which quickly draws her singer mother, Malena Ernman, back home, as described in the mother’s book, Scenes from the Heart. “It’s like Greta is on the train and she pulls the emergency brake, she’s on the train of Swedish social engineering and socialism and she says,’I’m not eating anymore.'”

It’s an interesting theory. Of course, children with mothers at home can develop mental problems too. But Jones makes the case that Greta created chaos to get her mother back. She refuses to eat anything but five gnocchi a day. Climate activism ultimately unites the family and imposes order “on a world that is completely out of control.”

One cannot help but feel compassion for this girl, her plight and the way she is used for a political agenda.  Swedish modern culture and its social gospel are driving its people insane.


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