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Pacha “Pope” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Pacha “Pope”

October 27, 2019

INSIGHTS from George Neumayr at The American Spectator on the Amazon Synod and the Pachamama idols:

Under a post-Christian pope, the Vatican has lost both its mind and soul and thus has neither the rationality nor the faith to distinguish between good and bad in culture or religion. The relativism implicit in the refusal to make judgments about culture and the willy-nilly blending of religions is like an acid that burns through everything it touches; the Church has shriveled in proportion to its exposure to it. Unwilling to stand for anything, relativists prostrate themselves before everything, including Amazonian paganism.

What is presented to us as “cultural respect” is in fact contempt for culture — the careless condescension of liberals who reduce everything from the Pieta to Pachamama to the same meaningless level. Forbidden to make judgments about Amazonian culture, multiculturalists must treat everything in it as the same, which means they never truly appreciate what’s good in it.

Only a dilettantish modern Jesuit like Francis would have the gall to present this synod, which is a monumental act of manipulation and condescension, as a blow against “Western colonialism.” In truth, it is simply a new and far sicker form of it: the cross has been replaced by the blue flag of the UN. In its shadow, an alliance of UN creeps and heretical Vatican officials will let the Amazonians play with their little Pacha idols as long as they give up their political power to Brave New World bureaucrats. The last thing they want is for Amazonians to order their own affairs. And unlike the Catholic missionaries of old, the new colonialists of the UN seek not to liberate primitives from perversions like infanticide but to introduce them to new ones — Planned Parenthood sex ed programs, gender-neutral bathrooms, abortion on demand, eugenics, euthanasia, ubiquitous porn, and countless other modern forms of degradation.

This synod is not about holiness but power — an attempt by the United Nations and the Vatican to carve out of Latin America a region they can micromanage according to their totalitarian predilections. And for a post-Christian pope, the synod has the added bonus of serving as a pretext for disciplinary and theological tinkering, as well as sealing the syncretistic direction of the Church since Vatican II. In the name of helping Amazonians, he is simply using them as an excuse to dilute doctrine, weaken discipline, and politicize the Church.

Of course, there is no such thing as a “post-Christian pope.” Francis is not a pope at all. By divine law, he has lost all authority because he has defected from the faith.

[I apologize for the juvenile vulgarity at the beginning of Neumayr’s article.]

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