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Trump and Sales Psychology « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump and Sales Psychology

October 21, 2019

JOE A. writes:

Trump employs one of the oldest object-counters used in salesmanship, probably older than written language: Agree. And Forget.

Most people do not want to be “sold” or told what to do. They want to demonstrate personal agency and therefore combat the seller. An easy way to diffuse that nervous emotional energy is simply to agree with whatever the prospect says. Let him get it off his chest. Then promptly “forget” it completely and pick up where you left off in your closing effort.

Few sales prospects will remember and fewer will care. They will instead buy from you as this simple act defuses their ability to object.

Always give Trump three days before judging anything he says. Better yet wait to see what he does. So far, he has not followed through on any of “cave ins” or flip flops or consortings with the enemy. But he has taken the winds out of many Marxist-Socialist sails in his three years.

— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

Joe, this is my observation too. If it seems bizarre or extreme, it is also a distraction to the media and the deep state while Trump is doing something else. My husband once broke down on a highway in the desert, back in the olden days when cars often broke down.  He had to change a tire but the place he had to sit was on a bed of ants. He remembered someone at the church potluck that day had given him a piece of cake to take home. He reached into the car and got it and placed it quite aways from the car. The ants swarmed over to it while he calmly changed the tire.

Eric writes:

The ants swarmed over to it while he calmly changed the tire.

Haha! I would have had a belly full of cake and skin covered in bites!

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