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Cruelty in Children « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Cruelty in Children

November 19, 2019

THE often-reported increase in bullying by children, especially on social media, is connected to their sexualization at an early age. Pauly Fongemie makes this brilliant observation in a 2014 article titled “Empathy: the Destruction of the Latency Period in Children and the Rise of Bullying.”

Fongemie contends exposure to sexual topics — the sort of exposure that is common in most schools today — “short-circuits” development of the higher faculties in a child, particularly the faculty of empathy. Children cannot easily grow in compassion and understanding of others when their attention is diverted to sex:

A lack of empathy or a reduced sense of compassion is always accompanied by a loss of innocence that is magnified by sexualization, even prior to engaging in acts that belong only in marriage.

Those well-meaning professionals who want to see an end to bullying, for instance, will cite the social media, etc. Rather than the cause, these communication outlets are more easily used to corrupt because a priori the lack of a good conscience is already absent or so malformed, that the person is predisposed to play the bully. Social media makes bullying more enticing and available, but it is not the cause in of itself. The focus on “sex education” between the years of 7 and 12, rather than defuse childhood sensuality and its perils, stirs them up because at this age the child is only starting to develop competence and self-mastery which includes conscience and empathy.  [emphasis added]

Adults wonder at the rise of feral behavior and expect children to be civilized and kind to their peers. At the same time, they think nothing of children being exposed to loud, sexually explicit songs in every retail store.

— Comments —

Pan Dora writes:

 It is laughable watching so many bemoan the alleged “increase” in bullying. In my years of working in nursing homes I sometimes read the social histories of our residents. One in particular comes to mind ….. “Herman attended school for a few years, where he was the butt of his classmates jokes and perpetually teased.” His years of school attendance? 1912-1917. I don’t think they had much in the way of sex education then. Oh and I believe Herman would today be diagnosed autistic. Another of those things “on the rise” these days.

Laura writes:

Children have always been cruel, it’s true. And an increase would be hard to measure.

But I think it’s good to bemoan it no matter how prevalent it is.

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