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Mighty-Rightie Whiteys « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Mighty-Rightie Whiteys

November 18, 2019

STEVE writes:

This article by James Barrett most definitely has a liberal bias, which I obviously don’t agree with, but it does make an excellent observation about mighty-rightie, tighty-whitey, right-whingers, in their obsession with Nietzschean ubermenschness, especially their mistaken, arrogant belief that they can will (or, more accurately, conjure) something into existence.. They emphatically cannot.

The only true ubermensch is the Lord Jesus Christ.

— Comments —

Paul writes:

The James Barrett article is useless.  It compares President Trump to Hitler and Mussolini.  After these devastating hits, the article immolates with an appeal to climategate, truly a product of magical thinking.  The article never even gets off the ground.  It is sophistry: “President Trump and his supporters are like Hitler, Mussolini, and their followers.  So there.”  I was hoping for some reasoned arguments to test my right wing views and support of President Trump.  Incredible that a self-described scholar would write such a piece.

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