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Smoke and Mirrors « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Smoke and Mirrors

November 13, 2019


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Alexander Steinberg, bringing Cultural Marxism to America 

ALEXANDER STEINBERG goes by the stage name of “Sasha Velour.” He is an extremely well-funded and extremely freakish “drag queen” who has gotten tons of free national publicity including a mention on Saturday Night Live. His rise at the age of 32 has been meteoric. This week he got more free national publicity when he was in the news with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. (See here). He is currently starring in his one-man show, Smoke and Mirrors. Big bucks have gone into this production.

Steinberg, who grew up in Connecticut, has an unusual background, having worked as a security guard at the most famous Russian museum, The Hermitage in St. Petersburg. He was also a Fulbright scholar in Moscow. How many supposedly self-made New York “artists” have such close ties with Russia? His mother was editor of The Slavic Review and his father is a Russian historian.

Below is an interview if you can bear to watch it. Not sure what ring of hell this comes from. Steinberg makes explicit references to Satan in his get-up and his skits. Drag queens have been around for eons. Their sudden widespread visibility and the constant promotion, however, suggest an orchestrated and well-funded campaign. One goal is to get people like you agitated and upset.

Let these drag queens drag on. What you do with your life is what matters.


— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

This is hilarious but even better, read the comments!! Everyone wants to know which one is the alien!

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