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Soros, Paine and Fairfax County « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Soros, Paine and Fairfax County

November 8, 2019


The Friends of the People caricatured by Isaac Cruikshank, November 15, 1792, Joseph Priestley and Thomas Paine are surrounded by incendiary items

A READER sent me a long e-mail from a Republican Party official in Fairfax County, Virginia. In it, she recounts the losses of conservatives in this past week’s election. (See the e-mail below.) She says George Soros and his operatives may have been involved in the outcome.

She may be right, but, let’s face it, as the reader pointed out, is George Soros anymore radical for his day than Thomas Paine?

Remember, the American Revolution was a revolution. 

If Fairfax County sees “after-birth abortion,” isn’t that the inevitable outcome of the Masonic universalism represented by Paine and his revolutionary ideals?

Paine, who supported the French Revolution, which legalized abortion in France, wanted to inaugurate a New World Order by overturning traditions of Western civilization, including monarchy, aristocracy and the “political superstitions” of organized Christianity. For him, society should be guided by human reason alone, as he wrote in his book The Age of Reason:

I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life.

I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church. All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.

Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel. [Sourcebold added

He also later wrote:

“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally paid to the sun”. [Source]

Here is the e-mail about the election:

We lost all 12 seats on the Fairfax County School Board. Elizabeth Schultz and Tom Wilson, our stalwart incumbents, were defeated. No one is left to fight for an honest education for Fairfax public school children (50% of whom are recent immigrants). No one is left to fight for their right to innocence. (More on new board members in future emails).

We lost every race for House of Delegate and Senate seats. Both houses are now controlled by the party of Governor Shoe Polish. They will pass the Va. ERA to make us all pay for other people’s elective abortions and to erase sex distinctions in the law (transgender will be the new norm in law). They will pass Kathy Tran’s bill to make aborting babies at birth legal.

We lost the Commonwealth’s Attorney race to the George Soros candidate who has never prosecuted a case but who has plans to make Virginia a sanctuary state of utter lawlessness when it comes to illegal immigration.

We lost all of our races for Fairfax County Supervisors with one exception (Pat Herrity kept his seat). Remember their “pilot program” last year of giving hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars to ACLU lawyers to fight deportation of illegal aliens? That program will now be fully rolled out — millions of our tax dollars will be shoveled into the pockets of private lawyers to prevent deportations of criminals.

We had truly wonderful candidates. The best ever!!! I am so grateful for their sacrifice!!!

We had wonderful volunteers (thank you Northpoint team)!

We had a county chairman, Tim Hannigan, who is a true conservative and who supported the down-ticket races with gusto!

We will continue to analyze this massive defeat. I have 3 observations, for now:

1. It is possible that George Soros and other outside influences bought this election out from under the citizens.

2. Under Obama the swamp grew to massive proportions and has now spilled into Virginia like a giant oozing tidal wave. We are overtaken.
3. Our state party managed to lose everything even after Governor After-Birth Abortion, Lt. Gov. Rapist, and Attorney General Blackface handed us their nasty scandals on a silver platter!!!! (THIS IS INEXPLICABLE TO ME. WHO IS TO BLAME FOR THIS UTTER MALFEASANCE?)

One more observation: We are called to love our neighbor. Not to abandon him. In politics, that means fighting for the institutions that are meant to serve and protect him.

I will keep fighting and I hope you will fight with me. We happy few…

The conservatives of Fairfax County are seeing the inevitable outcome of a revolutionary process that started hundreds of years ago. That statement is not intended to denounce all the good things in the American Constitution or all of the political insights of the Founders.

The founding ideals of America were not Christian, they were Masonic, and envisioned a messianic order of universal tolerance and peace, in which the religious ideals of any minority would not be imposed on all.

There is, of course, one big difference between Paine and Soros. The latter ultimately seeks to empower one nation above all others.


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